
"Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings."

John F. Kennedy



In the last four years, I’ve spearheaded for an increase in transparency. The following has been implemented: Village Board & Committee of the Whole meeting packets are now available on the Village website; Village website search tool has improved; budget is online; informative brochure explaining meeting protocol is available; first time for call for applications for open volunteer positions (Economic Dev. Commission, Public Arts Commission, etc.). Other areas could be improved: Public notice signs could be posted so they’re noticeable & legible from a reasonable distance away. This would be in addition to the legal methods: newspaper ad; letter to landowner adjacent to the property and the posted sign. Additional information about the proposed project could be posted on the Village website so residents are informed of the details prior to the hearing. All available Village positions should be posted on the website for interested residents to apply.

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Protect Natural resources

Algonquin and many neighboring communities rely on shallow aquifers and/or the Fox River for drinking water. In the past, there has been a sufficient amount of water in the aquifers to meet demand. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. The aquifers are not replenishing as quickly as water is being withdrawn from them. Both McHenry County’s Water Studies and Kane County’s 2030 Land Resource Mgmt. Plan indicates that regions could experience water shortages in the future based on population projects and aquifer replenishment data. We need to protect the critical groundwater recharge areas that replenish the aquifers & the surrounding land use and continue to improve watersheds & their tributaries. Some may comment to tap into Lake Michigan water. This water is allotted per a U.S. Supreme Court decree and is unavailable. We need to balance smart growth that also protects a long-term water supply so we’re self-sufficient.




During the COVID crisis, the Village has taken steps to assist businesses and residents. Village staff worked with businesses to implement outdoor dining, handwashing stations, holiday program & shop local marketing plan. The Village also applied for & was awarded $350,000 through the IL Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity’s Local Cure/Economic Support Program to qualifying local businesses. The Village eliminated the 14% water & sewer rate increase that was scheduled for Nov. 2020 to assist residents & businesses impacted by COVID. On-line virtual inspections were implemented to ensure safety & efficiency for residents, businesses and contractors. To address the negative financial conditions from COVID’s economic impact, the Village adopted a Financial Resiliency Plan in April 2020. This plan allows the Village to be in a proactive approach rather than reactionary. It has been an invaluable tool to guide the Village during these challenging times. I will continue to support the Village’s recommendations & search for other ideas to assist our residents and businesses impacted by the COVID pandemic.