The Village Board will be meeting to discuss agenda items at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Tuesday, January 14 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the board room at 2200 Harnish Drive. There is a public comment period at the start of the meeting. The link contains the meeting packet. Items on the agenda include: an amendment to the Algonquin Meadows Development Agreement; consider the Preliminary Planned Development, a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision, and a Special Use Permit for a Gas Station at the Southwest Corner of East Algonquin Road and Illinois Route 25; a Zoning Map Amendment from B-1 Business, Limited Retail Zoning District to B-2 Business, General Retail Zoning District; 2024 Community Survey Presentation; designation of depositories for funds and other Public Monies in the Custody of the Village of Algonquin; an Agreement with National Power Rodding for the Storm Sewer Lining Project on Braewood Drive; an Agreement for Grounds Maintenance Services with Sebert for 2025-2027; an Agreement for Downtown Landscape Maintenance Services with Yellowstone Landscapes for 2025-2027; an Agreement with the Catholic Diocese for the Eastgate Drive improvements; and an Intergovernmental Agreement with the County of McHenry for the McHenry County Gang Task Force.
Village Meetings - Tuesday, January 7th
Happy New Year! The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, January 7th starting at 7:20 p.m. for the Liquor Commission meeting, followed by a Village Board meeting. There is a public comment period prior to the start of each meeting. The meetings take place in the Village Board room at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. The Village Board will be voting on items discussed at the last Committee of the Whole meeting. Items include: many Public Works projects; previous meeting minutes; bills for payment; and more. Please follow the link for the meeting packet.
Village Meetings - Tuesday, Dec. 17
The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, December 17 starting at 7:30 p.m. for a Village Board meeting, followed by a Committee of the Whole meeting. The agenda includes: three new police officers will be given the oath of office; approve prior meeting minutes; approve an ordinance for the levy of taxes for the Village of Algonquin for the year 2024; and pay bills and payroll expenses. The Committee of the Whole meeting agenda includes withdrawing from an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for the Longmeadow Parkway/Huntley-Dundee Road/Kreutzer Road Corridor and establishing a working group for a new IGA; and many Public Works projects. There is a public comment period prior to the start of each meeting. Please refer to the link for meeting details.
Miracle on Main - Saturday, Dec. 7
Main Street will be closed from #Algonquin Road (IL-62) to Madison Street starting at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 7, for the Miracle on Main event.
Thru traffic is advised to detour to the IL-31 Western Bypass.
Parking is available at the following locations:
Towne Park (enter on Washington Street)
St. John’s Lutheran Church (Jefferson Street)
Harrison Street Municipal Lot
On-street parking where permitted
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to celebrating this festive event with you!
Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, Dec. 3
The Village Board will be voting on the following agenda items at the Board Meeting on Tuesday, December 3 at 7:30 p.m., 2200 Harnish Drive.: a special use permit for a Dog Training, Grooming, and Daycare Business (220 Eastgate Drive); an ordinance abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2024 to pay the principal of and interest on General Obligation Bonds, Series 2024, of the Village of Algonquin, McHenry and Kane Counties, Illinois; an ordinance amending Chapter 33.07, removing One F Class Liquor License from inventory; a resolution declaring certain funds in the Special Tax Allocation Fund for the Longmeadow and Randall Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area as “Surplus” Funds and Directing the Payment and Distribution Thereof (2023 Tax Year); resolution accepting and approving the reimbursement of NP BGO Algonquin Corporate Center, LLC for Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs; a resolution accepting and approving an agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD for the Design Engineering Services for Canterbury Townhomes Subdivision Resurfacing Project in the amount of $119,940.00; a resolution accepting and approving a Transferee Assumption Agreement between NP BGO Algonquin Corporate Center, LLC, (“Transferor”), NP BGO Algonquin Corporate Center Phase 1, LLC, (“Transferee”) and the Village of Algonquin; prior meeting minutes and bills for payment. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet. There is a public comment period at the start of each meeting. Please register with the Village Clerk.
Holiday Light Recycling
Do you have unwanted or nonworking holiday lights? Please recycle them by dropping the lights off at the Ganek Municipal Center, 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin, IL. Dates: Monday, November 25, 2024 through Wednesday, January 15, 2025. A collection bin will be in the lobby near the front door. Thank you!
Village Board Meetings - Tuesday, Nov. 19
There are two meetings scheduled for the Village Board on Tuesday, November 19 starting at 7:30 p.m. The Village Board will be voting on the following agenda items: an ordinance amending the Village of Algonquin Annual Budget for fiscal year 2023-2024; an ordinance amending Chapter 39.24 Small Wireless Facility increasing the fees; Accepting the Algonquin Police Pension Municipal Compliance Report for Fiscal Year End April 30, 2024; a resolution accepting the Actuarial Funding Report for the Algonquin Police Pension Fund for the contribution year May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025; a resolution accepting and approving the amount of funds to be levied for the 2024 tax year through real estate taxes for the Village of Algonquin; a resolution accepting and approving an agreement with Christopher Burke Engineering for the construction observation for the Algonquin Meadows Development in the amount of $521,800.00; bills for payment; and prior meeting minutes. A Committee of the Whole meeting will follow to discuss a special use permit for a dog grooming, training and daycare business at 2200 Eastgate; certain funds in the special tax allocation fund for the Longmeadow and Randall Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area as “Surplus” Funds and Directing the Payment and Distribution Thereof (2023 Tax Year); a Resolution Approving the Reimbursement of NP BGO Algonquin Corporate Center, LLC for Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs; an Ordinance abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2024 to pay the principal of and interest on General Obligation Bonds, Series 2024, of the Village of Algonquin, McHenry and Kane Counties, Illinois; amending Chapter 33.07, removing one F Class Liquor License from Inventory; an Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD for the Design Engineering services for Canterbury Townhomes Subdivision Resurfacing Project. There is a public comment period prior to each meeting. Please complete the form near the board room entrance and submit to the Village Clerk. Follow the links for the meeting packets.
Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 12
The Village Board (Committee of the Whole) will be meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the following agenda items: an ordinance amending the Village of Algonquin Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024; an ordinance amending Chapter 39.24 Small Wireless Facility increasing the fees; a resolution accepting the Algonquin Police Pension Municipal Compliance Report for Fiscal Year End April 30, 2024; a resolution accepting the Actuarial Funding Report for the Algonquin Police Pension Fund for the Contribution Year May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025; a resolution for the 2024 Property Tax Levy; an Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD for the construction observation services for the Algonquin Meadows development and an Executive Session (personnel matters). There is a public comment period at the start of the meeting. Please complete the short form near the board room entrance and submit it to the Village Clerk. Follow the link for the meeting packet.
Willoughby Farms Park Redevelopment - Input Needed
Please attend and give your input on the redevelopment of Willoughby Farms Park on Saturday, Nov 9 from 11-1 at the Willoughby Farms Park, 2001 Wynnfield, Algonquin.
Village Board Meeting - Nov. 5th
The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, November 5th starting at 7:30 p.m. to vote on the following agenda items: agreement with NilCo for the Algonquin Historic District snow/ice removal; agreement with Langton Group for ice/snow removal of cul-de-sacs and eyebrows throughout the Village; bills for payment; a letter of understanding with the Village of Cary pertaining to property located east of Virginia Road & Route 31; agreement with Baxter & Woodman for Crystal Creek repair and prior meeting minutes. Meetings take place in the board room at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. There is a public comment period prior to the meeting. Please complete the form near the board room doorway and give to the Village Clerk so it is known that you wish to speak.
Don't forget that Groot will collect leaves and brush at no additional cost on your regular collection day through December 13. Please ensure leaves are bagged; leaves in loose piles will not be collected. For more details, visit
Village Board Meetings - Tuesday, October 15
The Village Board has two meetings scheduled for Tuesday, October 15 starting at 7:30 p.m. with the Village Board meeting followed by a Committee of the Whole Meeting. The agenda items include an agreement with JSD professional services for Willoughby Farms Park Master plan services; purchase a Ford F59; public event license for Algonquin Aces Jack-O-Lantern Jamboree; Scorched Earth Brewing Co. 10th Anniversary event; and more. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet. The Committee of the Whole will be discussing ice and snow removal contracts for the Historic District and cul-de-sacs/eyebrows. There is a public comment period at the start of each meeting. Please register with the Village Clerk prior to the meeting. The form is on the table once you enter the board room.
221 South Main Street- Algonquin State Bank Redevelopment
In case you were interested in seeing the inside of the bank building, it has great potential. Learn more at
The upcoming election includes referendums from the McHenry County Conservation District and the Forest Preserve District of Kane County. Depending on household location, residents will have the opportunity to vote on proposals regarding tax limits for conservation funding in their respective counties.
For more information about the upcoming election and these referenda, please visit:
Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, Oct. 1
The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, October 1st at 7:30 p.m. to vote on previous meeting minutes; bills for payment; and an ordinance amending the Final Planned Development and approving a plat of resubdivision of Lots 16 to 23 of the Algonquin Corporate Campus Phase 3 Subdivision. The meeting will take place in the Board Room at the Ganek Municipal Center, 2200 Harnish Drive. There is a public comment period at the start of each meeting. Please register with the Village Clerk. Meeting packet details can be found at
Village Meetings - Tuesday, September 17
The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, September 17th starting at 7:30 p.m. for the Village Board meeting followed by a Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting. Agenda items include: a Life Saving Award to Officer Steven Trefilek; Constitution Week Proclamation; voting on previous meeting minutes; bills for payment; and voting on items from the previous COW meeting. The Committee of the Whole meeting will discuss a major planned development and a plat of resubdivision on the Algonquin Corporate Campus - Phase 3 subdivision. Please refer to the links below for the meeting packet details. The meetings will take place in the Board Room at 2200 Harnish Drive. There is a public comment portion prior to the start of each meeting. Please register with the Village Clerk.