This week, crews made the following progress:
Completed sewer and water main work on S. Harrison Street. Crews will complete remaining sewer and water main work south of Algonquin Road (at the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street) as they construct the lift station in the coming weeks.
Restored significant portions of the landscape (or parkway) on La Fox River Drive, Washington and Madison streets. The contractor will be watering the restored areas for the next several weeks until the ground freezes.
Removed old pavement and prepared the base for asphalt paving along La Fox River Drive, Washington (from La Fox River Drive to S. Harrison Street) and Madison streets (La Fox River Drive to mid-block).
Resurfaced Algonquin Road between Main Street and the Fox River bridge in coordination with IDOT's bridge project.
Finished installing the earth retention system* for the excavation of the lift station wet well. Work on the lift station at the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street will continue for the next several weeks.
*A temporary support structure for the lift station
Here's what's coming up next week:
Crews will start installing the sanitary sewer along N. Harrison Street beginning at Algonquin Road and progressing north to Front Street. Restaurants and business along N. Harrison Street in the work area will remain open and accessible. Please follow the detour to Edward Street.
The construction team will complete initial paving on La Fox River Drive, Washington (La Fox River Drive to S Harrison Street) and Madison streets (La Fox River Drive to mid-block) early next week; then crews will adjust the completed manhole frames. The contractor expects to finish paving by the end of the week.
Crews will begin patching the roadway and sidewalk along Washington Street (from S. Harrison to S. Main streets) and S. Harrison Street (from Washington Street to Algonquin Road). To keep the public parking lots on Harrison Street open to the public, crews will patch Harrison Street first. The lots will then be accessible on Harrison Street while crews work on Washington Street.
Detours and Closures
S. Harrison Street between Washington Street and Algonquin Road is closed. N. Harrison Street from Algonquin Road to Front Street is also closed. All businesses along N. Harrison Street between Front and Edward streets are open and accessible from Edward Street.
Washington Street is closed between Main Street and La Fox River Drive. However, the intersection at Washington and Harrison streets is open so that residents can access the public parking lot.
Please refer to the map below to detour around the closures. Thank you again for your continued cooperation and patience.