A Liquor Commission Special Meeting will take place at 7:25 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15th at the Ganek Village Hall 2200 Harnish Drive, followed by a Village Board and Committee of the Whole Meetings. The Village Board Meeting agenda includes: resolution to execute an agreement with MAP Police Officer - Ch. 78 for May 1, 2021-April 30,2025; resolution regarding an easement agreement with School District 300; resolution with Christopher Burke Engineering amending the in-house agreement in the amount of $200,000 for fiscal year 2021-2022; approving bills and payroll expenses for payment and approve previous meeting minutes. The Community of the Whole will discuss public event for Algonquin Public Library Districts 100th Birthday event; discuss direction of the proposed Corporate Campus - NorthPoint Development and Public Works & Safety (6 items). Please refer to the links for the meeting packets.