Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, July 13th

The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 13th at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Board Room at 2200 Harnish Drive. The meeting agenda items being discussed include: event permit for Art on the Fox Sept. 11-12; zoning map amendment request for 915 S. Main Street; amendment to zoning code to allow medical office uses permitted & hospitals a special use in B-1 district; amendment to landscaping code; amending Ch 22.08; resolution authorizing a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) feasibility study for the southwest corner of Longmeadow Parkway & Randall Road; ordinance authorizing the establishment of interested parties' registries & adopting rules for such registries for Redevelopment Project Areas in the Village; agreement w/ Trotter & Associates for construction mgmt. of Woods Creek Pumping Station project; agreement with Christopher Burke Engineering for the stormwater master plan; surplus items; roof & gutter repair for Historic Village Hall; Hitchcock Design Group for Towne Park Developments master plan; and resolution for temporary land reduction of a state highway. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet.