Committee of the Whole - Tuesday, June 14th

The Towne Park Master plan and cost estimate ($3.8M) will be discussed, along with a presentation of the Mineral Springs concept plan ($257K) at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Tuesday, June 14th at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will take place at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. There is a public comment period near the beginning of the meeting. If you plan to make comments, please register with Village Clerk prior to the meeting. Other meeting agenda items include: Founder's Day permit, PUD & special use for Polish Slavic Federal Credit Union; amendment to final PUD for Rosen Commercial Center; business agreement for Rosen Hyundai Enterprises, LLC; reconstruction of Souwanas Trail, Oceola Drive & Schuett Streets; agreement with Burke Engineering. for Northpoint development management services; paving of Harrison St./Washington St. parking lot; pressure reducing valve replacement; surplus items; temporary lane reduction for Founder's Day Parade and more. Please click the link for the meeting packet.