The Village Board and Committee of the Whole meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, August 16 starting at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. The Village Board will be voting on many agreements; prior meeting minutes; and bills for payment. The Board will be discussing an Intergovernmental Agreement between Algonquin, the Village of Carpentersville, L&H Farm Limited Partnership and NP BGO Algonquin Corporate Center, LLC. Under new business is an ordinance approving the final planned development and final plat of subdivision for Westview
Crossing. A Committee of the Whole meeting will immediately follow. The COW will be discussing special event permits; zoning amendment; and budget amendment. Both meetings have a public comment portion at the beginning of the meeting. Please register with the Village Clerk prior to meeting. Please refer to the links below for the meeting packets.