The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, December 19th starting at 7:30 p.m. to vote on agenda items from the previous Committee of the Whole meeting; including bills for payment and previous meeting minutes. The Committee of the Whole meeting will take place immediately following the Village Board Meeting. The COW meeting agenda items include:
consider an ordinance prohibiting electronic sweepstakes devices; presentation of the Popular Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year End April 30, 2023; consider agreement with Tyler Technologies for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) expansion in the not-to-exceed amount of $106,280; consider certain vehicles and equipment surplus; consider a retroactive approval for bike path connection and ADA sidewalk ramps at Algonquin Road and Frank Road Intersection and consider an agreement with Baxter Woodman for the 2024 prescribed burn.
The meetings take place in the board room at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. There is a public comment period prior to each meeting. Please register with the Village Clerk. Follow the links for the meeting packets.