We need your input to shape the future of our Village! Introducing the Algonquin Comprehensive Plan's interactive mapping tool, designed to give YOU a voice in identifying the key issues affecting our community.
This user-friendly tool empowers you to create a personalized map that highlights the issues you believe are impacting Algonquin and could influence the project's outcomes. Together, let's make a difference and build a better future for our village!
This is your chance to influence the decisions that shape Algonquin's future. Take the first step towards change by using the interactive mapping tool today!
Click here to get started: https://map.social/Community.php?CommunityID=381&fbclid=IwAR2tdCUwxDshTwZQDkszyeB6HMW4IdPNSStrmzbbVeDkpuC4_pddVajfvSk