Wynnfield Naturalization Project Public Meeting - Thursday, August 17 3-5 p.m.

From the Village of Algonquin: The Village of Algonquin has received grant funding through the ComEd Green Region program to complete a naturalization project of the Wynnfield stormwater basin located northwest of the intersection of Wynnfield Dr. and Richmond Ln. The proposed project will remove invasive species from the site, and will create additional pollinator friendly habitat by installing native grasses and flowers within the basin. This public improvement is necessary to help ensure the quality of the Village’s stormwater runoff and ensure compliance with various state, federal, and local regulations. Additional information on the Green Region Grant program can be found at the following website: https://openlands.org/programs/comed-green-region-grant/ 

The Village has scheduled an on-site meeting where Public Works Staff will be available to answer questions from residents relating to this project. Staff will open the session with a presentation at 3pm and will remain on site to answer questions until 5pm.

  • Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023

  • Time: 3:00pm to 5:00pm

  • Location: Wynnfield Detention, Northwest of the intersection of Wynnfield Dr. and Richmond Ln.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, we request that all inquiries or comments be made to the Public Works Department by either calling 847-658-2700 or via e-mail at bradleyandresen@algonquin.org.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important public improvement project. With your patience and understanding, the Village will efficiently and effectively manage this project and provide an improved asset to your neighborhood and the overall creek corridor.

Event Contact:

Name: Bradley Andresen
Title: Ecologist/Horticulturist
Phone: 847-658-2700 x4435
Fax: 847-658-2759
