The Village Board will be meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4 in the board room at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. The agenda includes the following items: Pollinator proclamation; vote on previous meeting minutes; bills for payment; agreement with B&B Holiday Decorating, for the 2024 holiday decorations on South Main Street; agreement with Utility Service Co. for the Jacobs water tower mixing system installation; agreement with ME Simpson for the Meter Testing Program; Memorandum of Understanding with Northpoint for the conveyance of outlots A and B; an executive session on land acquisition; and the issue and sale of approximately $15,505,000 of general obligation bonds for the purpose of financing various capital improvements in the Village and providing for the levy and collection of taxes for the payment of the bonds. NOTE: The preliminary PUD of Algonquin Meadows subdivision is Not on the agenda for this meeting. There is a public comment at the start of each meeting. Please register with the Village Clerk. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet.