Village Meetings - Tuesday, June 11

The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, June 11th starting at 7:25 p.m. for a Liquor Commission Meeting followed by a Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting. The COW Meeting agenda includes the oath of office for Police Sergeants Johnny Beltran and Kory Koehler; Algonquin Rotary’s Club Harvest Market Public Event to be Held October 5, 2024; Third Amendment to the NorthPoint Redevelopment Agreement; agreement with GovTempsUSA for the contract services of Joanne

Kalchbrenner; amendment to Chapter 33.07(B) Number of Licenses Issued of the Algonquin Municipal Code; Resolution with the Illinois Department of Transportation to use Rebuild Illinois

Funds for Broadsmore Drive and Stonegate Road Phase 1 Improvements; a resolution requesting permission for a temporary lane reduction of a State Highway for the Founder’s Day Parade; Executive Session for the sale of land or property and additional Public Works items. The meetings take place in the Board Room at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. There is a public comment at the beginning of the meeting. Please register with the Village Clerk. The agenda/packet links below are in order of the scheduled meetings.