A Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10 starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room at 2200 Harnish Drive. The Village Board will be discussing the following agenda items: amending Ch. 16 Cemetery fees; an agreement with Keno & Sons Construction Company for the Water Treatment Plants #1 & 2 Aerator and Roof Replacement; an agreement with Trotter and Associates, Inc. for the Water Treatment Plants #1 & 2 Aerator and Roof Replacement Construction Oversight; a resolution for local match commitment for construction of the Sandbloom Road improvement project for the Multi-Use Path Portion; declaring certain Items from 221 S. Main surplus; declaring certain vehicles and equipment surplus and an Intergovernmental Agreement with Kane County for Animal Control Services. There is a public comment period at the start of the meeting. Please register with the Village Clerk. Follow the link for the meeting packet.