Committee of the Whole Meeting - Nov. 12, 2019

The Committee of the Whole meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. Agenda topics include: Algonquin Colosseum at Randall Road & Longmeadow Parkway; Comprehensive Parks & Recreation Master Plan; Miracle on Main; Pool filters; Police Pension Fund Municipal Compliance Report; Police Pension Fund Tax Levy; 2019 Property Tax Levy;Popular Annual Financial Report; Intergovernmental Agreement with Northern IL Purchasing Cooperative; and amendment to Ch 5.03, Encroachments on Street. Please refer to link for board meeting packet. Interested parties may register to speak prior to the meeting. Public comment forms are near the meeting room door.…/documents/1573239363_70306.pdf

Downtown Construction Update - Week of October 28(From Public Works)

Last week the contractor completed the roadway patching along North Harrison Street between Front and Edwards streets. Crews began installing the mainline sewer north of Edwards Street and will continue progressing north over the next several weeks.

This week, residents can expect construction work to be focused between Edwards Street and 405 North Harrison Street. Residents within the work zone will be able to access their properties from the north or south, depending on the current sewer installation location. All other traffic should continue to follow the detour to access their properties.

Safety is our top priority and traffic control devices have been installed to protect motorists and pedestrians.

During construction, we encourage residents and visitors to continue to patronize local businesses in the area as they're open during construction. These businesses can be accessed from the south off Algonquin Road or Front Street. Please note, Fox 14 Marina is open during construction and accessible from the north, off Blackhawk Trail.

Detour Alert
The Stage 2 detour is expected to remain in place for several weeks. North Riverview Drive between North Main and Park streets will be closed as part of the stage 2 detour. Access to the residents and businesses within the work zone will be maintained.

North Main St. (north of Rt. 62/Algonquin Rd) - New Construction Alert

(From Public Works) The Village has been fortunate to put together an agreement with Arrow Road construction to place an asphalt overlay on North Main St. north of Rt. 62/Algonquin Rd. before winter is upon us. The asphalt overlay will address the current roadway condition to provide a new, smoother surface for drivers. That is the good news. The challenging news is the addition of more construction in the area.

Arrow will be doing some minor prep work on Thursday and Friday on North Main St. with full paving operations to begin on Monday October 28. All work will be done with flaggers on site to allow traffic to continue to use North Main St. as the construction progresses.

We urge everyone to use the Rt. 31 Bypass to avoid delays in the construction zone.

This work will provide a significantly better driving surface for motorists and pedestrians.
As always, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we make these important improvements.

Public Hearing/Board Meeting/Committee of the Whole Meeting - Oct. 15, 2019

3 Meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 2200 Harnish Drive starting at 7:30 p.m. (Board Meeting/Public Hearing/Committee of the Whole)
A public hearing will be held for the purpose of receiving comments for the draft annexation agreement for 112-acre mixed use development at northeast corner of Randall Road and Longmeadow Parkway. Interested parties can register to speak prior to the meeting.The agenda and public notice are below. Please refer to links for meeting agenda and packets.…/documents/1570810143_86037.pdf…/documents/1570809996_49959.pdf

Sleepy Hollow Road Construction Update (from Public Works) - Oct. 7, 2019

Last week , Sleepy Hollow Road construction crews continued to make progress on the following activities:

-Removed and replaced a section of damaged sidewalk across from Westfield Community School.

-Continued landscape restoration throughout the entire project area

-Continued installing railing and decking on the boardwalk near Barrett Drive

-Completed installation of the boardwalk bracing, which gives the structure extra support

-Cleaned up around the boardwalk work area

This week , crews will continue working on pedestrian, bike and roadway improvements, including:

-Boardwalk railing and decking installation to create a safe walkway for pedestrians.

-Paving the northern and southern sections of the bicycle path (from Wynnfield Drive north to County Line Road and from Longmeadow Parkway south to Grandview Drive, respectively).

-Landscape restoration throughout the entire project area.


Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tues., Oct. 8, 2019

The Committee of the Whole agenda for Tuesday, Oct. 8 includes: ordinance on imposing a municipal cannabis retailer's occupation tax (if board approves recreational cannabis); surplus items; holiday decorations, Algonquin Lakes basketball court rebuild project; winter tree pruning services; amendment to Christopher Burke Engineering for Terrace Hill improvement infrastructure repairs and rehab project; and Intergovernmental Agreement with McHenry Co. for McHenry Co. Gang Task Force. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. Interested parties may register to make comments prior to the meeting.…/documents/1570204902_79552.pdf

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Algonquin Lake in the Hills Fire Department Open House - Sept. 28, 2019

The Algonquin Lake in the Hills Fire Department's Open House was today. Firefighters demonstrated their tools to extricate vehicle occupants.

Village Board Meeting - Oct. 1, 2019

In your opinion, what direction should Algonquin take on Recreational Cannabis? This topic will be on Tuesday, Oct. 1st Village Board meeting's agenda. To learn about the municipal impact of cannabis legislation a presentation is available at:…/documents/1567782396_55318.pdf

There will be a presentation by the Lower Fox River Alliance; approval of meeting minutes & expenses; resolutions regarding the McHenry Conservation trailhead/LaFox River Drive Bridge/Bike trail/downtown streetscape & utility work; and special event permit for Dr. Stirneman's Angel Towne Park Celebration. Please refer to link for meeting packet. Interested parties may register to make comments prior to the meeting. The meeting is held at 7:30 p.m. in the board room at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin.…/documents/1569595095_85628.pdf

Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.

The Village of Algonquin Board Meeting for Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019, includes the following agenda items: ordinance regarding vehicle surplus; agreements on Grand Reserve drainage repairs; Souwanas Creek reach 2 improvements; Souwanas Creek reach 2 improvement management services; Ratt Creek Reach 5 concept plan; approve bills & meeting minutes; special event permit for St. Vincent DePaul Walk for the Poor; staff to move forward with pool sand filer/chemical controller replacement project for Lion’s Armstrong Memorial Pool; social services advocate position; and establishment of Special Service Area #3 in connection with Spectrum Senior Living PUD. Please refer to meeting packet for additional information:

Interested parties may register to speak prior to the meeting. All meetings are held in the Village Board room at 2200 Harnish Drive.

Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019 (Meeting will follow the Village Board meeting)

The Committee of the Whole meeting will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019 at 7:45 (following the Village Board Meeting at 7:30 p.m.) Agenda items include: special use permit for Angel Towne Park celebration; 2075 E. Algonquin Road PUD/Plat/SUP (redevelopment of former Brunswick Zone parcel); agreements regarding MCCD Trailhead and LaFox River Drive bridge improvements; Stage 1D of Downtown streetscape (bike trail connection on Main St. & Harrison St & roundabout at Cary/Algonquin Rd; downtown streetscape & utility work. Please refer to meeting packet for details.

Proposed Self Storage (former east side Brunswick Zone building). The proposed car wash would be located in the vicinity of the former miniature golf course. The proposed fast food restaurant would be adjacent to the current Thornton’s gas station.

Interested parties may register to speak prior to the meeting. All meetings are held in the Village Board room at 2200 Harnish Drive.

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What are your thoughts on the regulation of recreational marijuana in Algonquin?

Algonquin residents - What are your thoughts on the regulation of recreational marijuana in Algonquin? Should it be allowed? There will be a presentation at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, September 10. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m., 2200 Harnish Drive.

Committee of the Whole Meeting - 8/13/19

The Committee of the Whole meeting will take place in the Village Board Room at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. The agenda includes: surplus furniture & vehicles; amendment to annual budget; Stoney Brook Park (OSLAD Grant); Agreements for either study/survey/oversight services on Right of Way N. River Road, drainage issue near Terrace Hill Golf Course; Kelliher Park parking lot; Spectrum Development Construction; and Downtown Stage 2 wet utilities construction. Additional information is in the meeting packet (click link). Interested parties can register to speak during the Public Comment period prior to the meeting. All meetings are held at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin.

Special Board Meeting & Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A special Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 7:25 p.m. to discuss a proposed outside seating agreement with Cucina Bella property/restaurant owners. A Committee of the Whole meeting will immediately follow at 7:30 p.m. Items on the agenda include: Melt Pilates request to use Plaza; surplus items; engineering consulting agreement;street sign printer purchase; and increase the number of liquor licenses. Please refer to the meeting packet link for additional information.

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Village Board Annual Meeting - Tuesday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m.

The Village Board Annual Meeting for Tuesday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m. includes administering the oath of office to Village Trustees (Sosine, Spella & Steigert); administering oath of office to Police Officers (Officers Vergara & Cisneros); appointments of commissioners and others; bill payment; and an agreement with Kane Co. for animal control services. Persons wishing to address the Board should register with the Village Clerk prior to the Call to Order. Please look at the link for agenda details.…/documents/1556900815_50801.pdf