Downtown Algonquin Update (from Public Works)

Downtown Algonquin Update (from Public Works): The contractor anticipates completing the remaining curb and sidewalk replacements. Additionally, the contractor will complete the preparation for the remainder of the paving at the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street. Crews plan to complete paving by next week, weather dependent.

Over the next several weeks, the contractor will continue restoration work at the intersection of Algonquin Road and Harrison Street as well as any remaining restoration in the project area.

Update: Parks & Rec Master Plan

UPDATE: The Village Board voted and approved the Parks & Rec Master Plan on Tuesday (5 to 1). I voted opposing the plan since I have the following concerns: data discrepancies (4 of the 5 peer agencies used to compare do not have any park districts in their town & other analysis appear to have similar issues); priorities (building a community center is first before ADA transition plan, public safety, & other concerns); aggressive schedule (to build a community center); and wording of some items (ex. "negotiate and enter into a formal agreement with the Algonquin Area Public Library District to plan, design, fund, construct and operate the joint VOA/AAPLD Community Center") Not exploring other options.

Note: 44.7% of Algonquin residents already pay into a park district taxing body - some almost $900/year.

An approved Parks & Rec plan is required to submit for grant funding. Why wouldn't you want a plan that is accurate to start with and uses valid data?

Please take a moment to review this plan- it’s your tax dollars.

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La Fox River Drive Update

La Fox River Drive Update (from Public Works): The contractor has begun the remaining curb and sidewalk replacements around the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street. Crews were also able to start the restoration of the field at the intersection of Algonquin Road and N. Harrison Street. After this site is complete, the contractor will begin restoring the area around the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street.

The contractor will complete the remaining paving work at La Fox River Drive and Center Street once asphalt plants reopen for the year, traditionally late spring.

Meetings - Tuesday, April 20

The special Liquor Commission (7:25 p.m.), Village Board (7:30 p.m.) and Committee of the Whole (7:45 or later) will take place on Tuesday, April 20. Please refer to meeting packets for participation and agenda item details. Meetings are a hybrid of remote/in-person.

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Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, April 13

Yes! Summer Concert Series, 6k race, and weekly Farmer's Market are being planned for 2021! The Committee of the Whole Meeting will take place remotely & in-person on Tuesday, April 13th at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. Agenda items being discussed, include: resolution accepting the CMAP for planning Algonquin-Cary Subarea Plan; special use permit for Chick-fil-A, 425 S. Randall Rd.; special use permit for Light of Christ Church's Global 6k on May 22nd; special use permit for Goodwill's Stuff the Truck Earth Day donation event on April 22 at 1430 E. Algonquin Rd.; special event permit for Butera for a food truck on May 19-23; special use permit for Riverbottom Ice cream's weekly Farmer's Market Pop-up May 2-October 31; 2021 Summer Concert Series; financial institutions as designated depositories; affiliate agreement with Trails Swim Team; agreement w/ Water Well Solutions for the Well 9 Rehab Project and more. Please refer to meeting packet for participation details and agenda item specifics.

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Thank you to Algonquin voters and all the people/businesses who supported my campaign. I sincerely appreciate it. I look forward to continuing my work with the Village Board and the Community to advance Algonquin. Thank you!

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The campaign season has come to an end. It’s been a pleasure speaking with Algonquin residents. I met many warm and friendly residents. Thank you to those residents, east and west that shared their concerns about our community. I heard you and I’m looking for solutions. 

Tomorrow is Election Day! Please exercise your right to vote.

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The pie charts show the voter turnout for the 2019 Consolidated Election. Let's see if we can improve this number for the April 6, 2021 election. Please talk to your Algonquin family members and friends about casting their vote for Laura Brehmer. Thank you.

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Early voting places are open. Election Day is Tuesday, April 6th! Please tell your Algonquin family members and friends. I would be honored to continue to represent Algonquin residents, cast your ballot for Laura Brehmer! Thank you!

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Old Town Construction Update

Old Town Construction Update (from Public Works): This week, crews completed installation of the odor control unit at the lift station. Crews will now begin testing the startup of the generator control building and lift station. Once testing is complete, these facilities will be put into service.

Over the next few weeks, the contractor will replace the remaining curb and sidewalk around La Fox River Drive and Center Street. The contractor will also be placing the concrete patch along La Fox River Drive and at the intersection with Route 31. When this work occurs, the contractor will need to close La Fox River Drive between Route 31 and Center Street. Residents should utilize the surrounding side streets to access Route 31. Any resident living in the impacted area will be notified of access restrictions prior to the closure.

The contractor will also begin restoration work in the next several weeks. This works will focus on the remaining turf areas that have been disturbed during construction as well as the field at the intersection of Algonquin Road and Harrison Street.

The contractor also plans to complete the remaining paving work once the asphalt plants reopen for the year, traditionally this occurs at the end of April.

Wonderful News!

Awesome job Village of Algonquin staff! An increase in transparency in the budget. Keep up the great work!;id=2668

According to the Village of Algonquin, “In an effort to provide a more inclusive and transparent budget, the Village of Algonquin recently launched a new financial transparency dashboard. The interactive reporting tool allows citizens to explore up to five years of #Algonquin’s budget and actual data online. Users can view data in interactive, visually attractive charts and graphs; drill down and filter data by department, expense type, fiscal year and more.”

Learn more at

Downtown Streetscape Stage 3 Update

Downtown Streetscape, Stage 3 Construction Update (from Public Works): This week, crews worked with Nicor and ComEd to complete utility connections for the control building.

Over the next few weeks, crews will finalize the electrical and *SCADA* system for the lift station, as well as install an odor control unit at the lift station. The contractor anticipates being able to start operations at the lift station and generator building in just a couple of weeks.

*SCADA is a supervisory control and data acquisition system that will allow the Village to collect data, monitor and control the equipment remotely.

Questions & Answers

Hello. The Daily Herald submitted questions to the Village of Algonquin candidates. Here are their questions and my responses:

How do you view your role in confronting the pandemic: provide leadership even if unpopular, give a voice to constituents - even ones with whom you disagree, or defer to state and federal authorities?

A trustee’s role can be a combination of all three depending upon which aspect of the pandemic is discussed. Constituent’s concerns are relayed to the Village which can then be elevated to state representatives and the Governor’s office. The Village’s emergency declaration following the Governor’s disaster proclamation was needed to obtain COVID grant funding; modify operations temporarily for better coverage; and conduct remote meetings.

During the crisis, the Village has taken steps to assist residents and businesses. The Village with the cooperation from businesses, created shopping hours for vulnerable community members. The Village eliminated the scheduled 14% water/sewer rate increase and halted temporarily water shut-offs. The Village works with residents that are unable to pay their water/sewer bill. A joint effort between the Village and businesses helped implement outdoor dining, handwashing stations, holiday commerce program and shop local plan. The Village was awarded $350,000 through the IL Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity’s LC/ES Program to qualifying businesses. The Village created a program for businesses, whereby, their expenses to operate pursuant to the Restore Illinois plan can be deducted from their liquor license renewal fee. The Village continues to explore ways to assist residents and businesses impacted by the pandemic.

Did your town continue to adequately serve its constituents during the disruptions caused by the pandemic? If so, please cite an example of how it successfully adjusted to providing services.

Yes, the Village of Algonquin continued to provide quality services to the community, despite the disruptions caused by the pandemic. The Village already offered many services online (water/sewer payment, permit application, schedule inspection, Fix-It app for reporting issues, etc.). The Village recognized a need for on-line virtual building inspections. The Community Development department, Innovation & Technology department and International Code Council collaborated to create and implement on-line inspections.  The on-line inspection appointment ensures safety & efficiency for residents, businesses and contractors.  

In light of our experiences with COVID-19, what safeguards/guidelines should you put in place to address any future public health crises?

The Village has safeguards/guidelines in place to minimize exposure and protect employees that provide crucial services to our Community. Clean and safe drinking water; properly functioning waste/sewer system; robust information/communication systems; and public safety are essential every day, but critical in a health crisis.

What cuts can local government make to reduce the burden of the pandemic on taxpayers?

The Algonquin Village Board adopted a Financial Resiliency Plan on April 28, 2020 to address the economic impact of the pandemic. This plan gives the strategy and steps that should be implemented in making budget and operating decisions to adapt to negative financial conditions. Some of the first actions were to freeze open positions and hold capital expenditures. The actions are reassessed based on current conditions and factors. This plan allows the Village to be in a proactive approach rather than reactionary. It has been an invaluable tool to guide the Village during these challenging times.

What do you see as the most important infrastructure project you must address? Why and how should it be paid for? Conversely, during these uncertain economic times, what infrastructure project can be put on the back burner?

Water and sewer construction is the most important infrastructure project since it’s crucial to have safe drinking water and an environmentally-compliant sewer system. A low interest Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) loan will be utilized for improvements to the wastewater treatment plant. The revenue from water and sewer fees will be allocated towards improving the existing water and sewer distribution systems.

The adoption of the Financial Resiliency Plan by the Village Board in April 2020 has given us a strategy for making budget and operating decisions. Implementing this plan early on and routinely monitoring for potential negative economic variables has assisted the Village’s financial sustainability. Currently, the fiscal year 2021-2022 Village budget is being presented and discussed. The Village is being financially prudent in its infrastructure projects.

Do you plan to address businesses that don’t adhere to the governor’s order to close or restrict business?

The pandemic crisis is a fluid situation, at this time businesses that don’t adhere to the Governor’s order based on the current tier can be reported to the appropriate County Health Department and the Algonquin Police Department.

Do you agree or disagree with the stance your board/council has taken on permitting recreational marijuana sales in the community? What would you change about that stance, if you could?

The Village Board voted unanimously (correction: majority) to deny recreation marijuana sales in our community. I agree with this stance prohibiting recreational marijuana sales.

What’s one good idea you have to better the community that no one is talking about yet?

We should protect our natural resources, especially drinking water. Algonquin and many neighboring communities rely on shallow aquifers and/or the Fox River for drinking water. In the past, there has been a sufficient amount of water in the aquifers to meet demand. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. The aquifers are not replenishing as quickly as water is being withdrawn from them. Both McHenry County’s Water Studies and Kane County’s 2030 Land Resource Management Plan indicates that regions could experience water shortages in the future based on population projections and aquifer replenishment data. We need to protect the critical groundwater recharge areas that replenish the aquifers and the surrounding land use. We also need to continue improving the watersheds and their tributaries. Some may comment to tap into Lake Michigan water. This water is allotted per a U.S. Supreme Court decree and is unavailable. We need to balance smart growth that also protects a long- term water supply so we’re self-sufficient.