Thank you Wyspa dzieci Day Care & Learning Center! I met (outside) friendly and helpful staff members. They also have beautiful artwork in their lobby (I looked in their window).
Randall Road Improvements Construction Alert
Randall Road Improvements Construction Alert - The contractor will be replacing traffic signal controller cabinets at several intersections during the next few weeks. To complete this work, the signals will need to be turned off for a period of time between approximately 9:00 am and 1:00 pm, and the intersection will become a 4-way stop. Expect delays. Intersection work schedule:
3/22 – Randall Road/Miller Road
3/24 – Randall Road/Harnish Drive
3/29 – Algonquin Road/Hilltop Drive
Happy Friday! I’ve been honored to represent Algonquin residents for the last 4 years. I’m running for re-election on April 6th so I can continue to contribute to our community and be a strong voice for residents. I will vote against wasteful spending; protect our drinking water and other natural resources; expand transparency; and explore additional ways to assist residents and businesses impacted by the COVID pandemic.
I’m dedicated to ensuring residents have excellent services and quality of life in our community, while promoting fiscally responsible solutions for taxpayers. Early voting starts on March 22nd and Election Day is April 6th. To learn more about me and my goals, please visit As always, feel free to private message, call or email me if you want to express your concerns. Municipal elections have extremely low voter turnouts, please tell your Algonquin friends and family to vote on April 6th. Thank you!
Have a taste for a delicious sandwich? Call in your lunch order to the Algonquin Sub Shop.
Thank you Judy and staff!
Thank you MPG Auto Body!
Thank you Algonquin State Bank!
Early voting starts March 22nd and Election Day is April 6th. My campaign signs are going up. If you know of any Algonquin resident or business in high visibility areas that would like a campaign sign, please pm me. Thank you!!
Early voting starts March 22nd and Election Day is April 6th. My campaign signs are going up. If you know of any Algonquin resident or business in high visibility areas that would like a campaign sign, please pm me. Thank you!!
Committee of the Whole & Special Village Board Meetings - Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The Committee of the Whole (COW) remote/in-person meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 9th starting at 7:30 p.m. followed by a special Village Board meeting. COW agenda items include: amendment to Ch. 3, section 3.16 Rules for Meeting Attendance; agreement for accounting & payroll services; Motor Fuel Tax documentation review; proposed 2021-2022 General Fund and other funds budgets; discussion of outdoor dining & liquor service; agreement for concrete curb, sidewalk & driveway removal/replacement project; agreement for purchase of a skid steer loader; agreement for construction oversight of Harrison/Main St. bike path & roundabout project; and an agreement for purchase of 2 Ford Police Interceptor Utility AWD Hybrids. The special Village Board meeting will be to pass an ordinance rescinding Ordinance 2018-O-24 and authorizing the Village to borrow funds from the IL Environmental Protection Agency Water Pollution Control Loan Program. Please refer to links for meeting participation info and additional information.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting - Monday, March 8
The Planning and Zoning Commission is meeting on Monday, March 8 at 7:30 p.m. to consider a special use permit for a gas station at 2971 W. Algonquin Road and a Chick-fil-A drive through & outdoor seating at 425 S. Randall Road (former Aldi grocery store). Please refer to the link for meeting participation details.
Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The Village Board meeting will be hybrid (remote & in-person) on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 starting at 7:30 p.m. 2200 Harnish Drive. Limit of 10 in-person seats. Agenda items include: resolutions on downtown flower & plant bed maintenance program; resolution on supplemental expenditures of MFT funds for Harper Drive Bike Path; approve prior meeting minutes; and approve bills & payroll expenses. Please refer to the link for meeting participation and meeting packet.
Downtown Algonquin Construction Update (from Public Works):
The previous cold weather impacted progress on the work related to the Generator Control Building. During this time, crews focused on the electrical work inside the building. This week, the rising temperatures allowed the crews to resume brick work on the building. The contractor is also coordinating with both the gas and power utility companies to finalize service installations. After service is installed, the contractor will perform the initial startup and equipment testing.
Construction Update (from Public Works):
This week, crews completed the demolition of the existing Riverfront Lift Station just north of Port Edwards. As weather permits, the following work will be completed:
-The masonry contractor will place the exterior brick on the Generator Control Building.
-The electrical contractor will install the final equipment associated with the Lift Station and the Generator Control Building, this work will continue for the next few weeks.
The contractor anticipates initial startup and testing of the Lift Station and Generator Control Building to be in the beginning of March.
Village Board & Committee of the Whole Meetings - Tuesday, February 16, 2021
The Algonquin Village Board and Committee of the Whole Meetings will take place remotely & in-person (limit 10 people) on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 starting at 7:30 p.m. Please refer to the meeting agenda for call in instructions, public participation information, and agenda item details. The Village Board will be presenting a transportation project award; passing an ordinance on surplus items; authorizing the purchase of technology upgrade; approving an agreement with GOVTEMPSUSA, LLC for employee leasing agreement of Peggy Blanchard; extending the boundary agreement between the Village and Barrington Hills; approving an agreement with Instituform Technologies USA, LLC for Ratt Creek sanitary sewer lining; approving an agreement with CBBEL amending the agreement for Terrace Hill Phase 3 for construction oberservation/inspection; approving prior meeting minutes and approving bills and payroll expenses for payment. Please refer to the links for the meeting packet details.
Security Freeze
Unfortunately, data breaches and identity theft seems to be a common issue nowadays, you might want to consider putting a security freeze on your social security number. Having a security freeze will require an extra step to temporarily lift it when applying for a credit card, loan or credit check, but does give peace of mind that someone isn't getting a mortgage, credit card, etc... in your name. Please refer to the IL Attorney General website for information.
Algonquin Construction Update (from Public Works):
Crews completed the removal and abandonment of the River Front Lift Station located at the intersection of N. Harrison and Front streets. Crews then began the installation of the brick veneer around the exterior of the control building (see photo). Additionally, the construction team completed the final underground connection to the existing sanitary sewer on Center Street. This concludes all underground utility work for the project!
Next week, the construction team will be working on the following projects:
Finishing the installation of the brick veneer around the control building
Completing the electrical work for the new lift station
*Due to extreme weather conditions predicted for next week, some work may be delayed.
Detours and Closures:
La Fox River Drive between RT 31 and Center Street as well as Center Street north of La Fox River Drive is open to local traffic only.
Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, February 9, 2021
The Committee of the Whole Meeting for February 9 will be a hybrid meeting(zoom & in-person) starting at 7:30 p.m. Please refer to meeting participation instructions on the agenda page. Agenda items include: presentation of draft Parks & Recreation Master Plan; agreement with CDWG for the purchase of a server upgrade; agreement with GovtempsUSA, LLC for Peggy Blanchard's Services; extension of the boundary agreement with the Village of Barrington Hills; surplus items; agreement with Instituform Technologies USA, LLC for the Ratt Creek Sanitary Sewer Lining; and an amendment to the agreement with CBBEL for the Terrace Hill Phase 3 construction engineering agreement. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet.
Construction Update (from Public Works):
Did you wonder why there was large crane off Main Street (Route 31) and LaFox River Drive? This week, the control building for the lift station was delivered and put in place.
Next week, the construction team will be working on the following projects:
Completing removal and abandonment of the River Front Lift Station at the intersection of N. Harrison and Front streets
Pouring the concrete pad of the odor control system for the lift station wet well
Finishing masonry work around the lift station control building
Completing the final sanitary sewer connection to the existing sanitary sewer on Center Street
Beginning to install equipment and controls inside the control building
Detours and Closures:
La Fox River Drive between RT 31 and Center Street as well as Center Street north of La Fox River Drive is open to local traffic only.
Thank you again for your continued cooperation and patience.
Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, February 2, 2021
The Village Board Meeting for Tuesday, February 2nd will be hybrid (remote/in-person 10 seats available (masks must be worn)) starting at 7:30 p.m. Agenda items include: ordinance amending ordinance 2019-O-12 Merit Compensation Plan for Village employees; ordinance amending ordinance 2018-O-24 IEPA loan agreement; resolution accepting/approving 2021 MFT Material & Maintenance item expenditures; and approving previous meeting minutes & bills/payroll expenses for payment. Please refer to link for meeting participation information and meeting packet.
Downtown Algonquin-Public Works Construction Update:
This week, crews completed all water main and service connections on La Fox River Drive and Center Street. This concludes installation of all underground utilities with the exception of one sanitary sewer connection at the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street.
ComEd was also onsite and completed the electrical service for the lift station control building. A transformer box was installed north of the control building.
Early next week, crews will pour the concrete pad (base on which the unit will sit) of the odor control system for the lift station wet well. The control building for the lift station will be delivered and set on the building foundation in the middle of the week.
La Fox River Drive between RT 31 and Center Street as well as Center Street north of La Fox River Drive will reopen to local traffic only starting next week.
Thank you again for your continued cooperation and patience.