Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, January 26, 2021

A special Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 26th at 7:30 p.m. to consider an amendment to the IEPA loan agreement and to learn about various funds in the capital budget for 2021/2022. The budget will be an ongoing discussion for the next month or so. The items being presented on Tuesday include: water & sewer improvement & construction fund; MFT & street improvement funds; park improvement fund; and natural area & drainage improvement fund. Please refer to the link for meeting participation details and the meeting packet.

Public Works Construction Update

Downtown Algonquin construction Items completed last week:

Finished placing the retaining wall along RT 31 by the lift station wet well.

Completed water main pressure testing and chlorination.

Disconnected the electrical service and relocated the street lighting at the River Front Lift Station at the intersection of N. Harrison and Front streets.

Here are the contractor's plans for next week:

Conclude all underground water main work within the roadway on La Fox River Drive and Center Street, which includes the following:

Finish connecting the final two water mains to the existing water main.

Complete installation of water services.

Complete removal and abandonment of the River Front Lift Station.

Have the control building for the lift station delivered and set on the building foundation.

Pour the concrete pad* of the odor control system for the lift station.

*Base on which the unit will sit

Detours and Closures:

La Fox River Drive between RT 31 and Center Street as well as Center Street north of La Fox River Drive remain closed.

Village Board/Committee of the Whole Meetings - January 19, 2021

The Village Board and Committee of the Whole meetings are on Tuesday, January 19th starting at 7:30 p.m. It's a remote meeting with seating for 10 people (masks required) at the Village Hall, 2200 Harnish Drive. Please refer to the meeting agenda page for instruction on how to participate, listen to the meeting or submit comments. The Village Board agenda includes ordinances regarding: special use permit approving a dwelling unit on the main floor at 207 S. Harrison St; eminent domain proceeding on portion of certain property commonly known as 7 S. Main St.; and eminent domain proceeding to acquire certain property known as lot 120 in Dawson Mill Village Condominium; amend Ch. 41, Traffic of Municipal Code, section 41.19. Resolutions: agreement with Tryon Governmental Consulting, Inc., Omega III, LLC demolition services of 20 Washington St. Approval of bills and prior meeting minutes will also occur. The Committee of the Whole meeting agenda includes the 2021-2022 merit compensation program and 2021 MFT Material & Maintenance items expenditure. Please refer to the links for complete meeting packets.

Downtown Algonquin Construction Update (from Public Works):

Last week's progress:

-Began water main installation on La Fox River Drive and Center Street near the lift station site.

-Finished installing the electrical conduit* for the lift station wet well.

-Cleaned up construction equipment and work area at the southwest corner of the intersection of Harrison Street and Algonquin Road.

*Tubing used to protect and route electrical wiring in a building.

This week’s action items:

-Begin placing the retaining wall along RT 31 by the lift station wet well.

-Complete removal and abandonment of the River Front Lift Station at the intersection of North Harrison and Front streets.

-Finish testing the water main installed on La Fox River Drive and Center Street. Crews will then begin the final connections between the newly installed and existing water mains.

Detours and Closures

La Fox River Drive between RT 31 and Center Street as well as Center Street north of La Fox River Drive remain closed.

Committee of the Whole - Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Committee of the Whole for Tuesday, January 12 will be held remotely and in-person (limit 10, masks must be worn) starting at 7:30 p.m. Please refer to the first page of meeting packet for participation details. Agenda items include: oath of office to 2 police officers; special use permit for main floor dwelling at 207 S. Harrison Street; Community Survey findings; consider eminent domain proceedings for 7S. Main Street; agreement with Tryon Governmental Consulting for legislative representation; agreement with Omega III, LLC for demolition of building at 20 Washington Street; consider eminent domain proceedings for lot 120 in Dawson Mill subdivision; and amend Ch. 41 traffic increasing speed limit on Longmeadow Parkway from 30 to 35 mph.

Village Board Meeting - Tues., Jan. 5, 2021

The first Village Board meeting of 2021 will be on Tuesday, January 5th at 7:30 p.m. It will be held remotely and in-person with a limit of 10 seats (masks must be worn). Please refer to the meeting agenda page for details on listening to the meeting and participating during public comments. Agenda items include: approval of prior meeting minutes; agreement with Landscape Concepts for tree pruning in the amount of $84,221.50; approve bills and payroll expenses for payment; and an Intergovernmental grant agreement with IL Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity for $350,000 for the impacted Business Relief Grant Program.

Terrace Hill Construction (from Public Works)

Over the last two weeks, crews backfilled the dirt around the box culvert*. Crews also removed the temporary sheet pilings and cleaned up the construction site.

During the remaining construction season, crews will work to realign Woods Creek back into its original position under the new box culvert. This work is weather permitting. Crews will also perform additional cleanup as they prepare for winter weather.

*A small channel that allows water to flow under a road

Crews are now wrapping up work for the winter. This will be the last update until work resumes in the spring. Have a safe, healthy and happy Holiday season and we'll see you in the spring!

Road/Path Closure Alert

The multi-use path is closed from Woods Creek Lane to Bunker Hill Drive. Also, Woods Creek Lane is closed due to construction on the bridge-like structure over the creek.

TH Map OCT16 (2).jpg

Downtown Algonquin Construction Update (from Public Works):

This week, crews continued installing the sanitary sewer on La Fox River Drive near the lift station. The construction team also finished installing the electric service for the control building.

Next week, the contractor will begin installation of piping inside the lift station wet well. Additionally, crews will make the final connection to the existing sanitary sewer on Center Street - this will conclude all sanitary sewer work.

Note: Construction will pause between Thursday, December 24 and Sunday, December 27. Construction updates will resume after the New Year. Have a healthy, safe and happy holiday season!

Detours and Closures: N. Harrison Street is now open to traffic.

La Fox River Drive between RT 31 and Center Street as well as Center Street north of La Fox River Drive remain closed.

Stage3 Detour map Dec 12.png

Downtown Algonquin Construction Update (from Public Works):

Here's what crews accomplished this week:

Continued installing the sanitary sewer on La Fox River Drive near the lift station.

Poured the slab on grade* for the control building at the lift station.

Finished pouring concrete for the second stage of N. Harrison Street - all pavement and various sidewalk patching is complete.

*A type of foundation

Here's what crews will be working on next week:

Continuing sanitary sewer installation on La Fox River Drive and making the final connection to the existing sanitary sewer on Center Street.

Installing the electrical service for the control building.

Completing all outstanding concrete patchwork on Harrison Street.

Starting landscape restoration on Harrison and Washington streets and remaining parts of La Fox River Drive.

Detours and Closures

N. Harrison Street is open between Algonquin Road and Front Street but is only accessible from Front Street (No access from Algonquin Road).

N. Harrison Street between Front and Edward Streets will remain closed through the middle of next week.

La Fox River Drive between RT 31 and Center Street as well as Center Street north of La Fox River Drive remain closed.

Stage3 Detour map Dec 12.png

Village Meetings - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020

Two Village meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, December 15th starting at 7:30 p.m. The Village Board will be approving: previous meeting minutes; bills for payment; ordinance for levy of taxes for 2020; ordinance amend liquor license fee for 2021 renewal; resolution for purchase of a 2021 F550 chassis truck; resolution to up-fit of the utilities on-call truck; resolution to amend resolution 2020-R-30 adding change order for lining of manholes; motion to adopt the 8th continuation of proclamation of local disaster emergency; and an ordinance amending Ch. 43.39 B. annual fee, requiring video gaming terminal operators to share the expense of the establishment video gaming municipal license. Please refer to link for participation details and meeting packet. The Committee of the Whole will meet at 7:45 p.m. or immediately following the board meeting. The agenda includes an agreement with Landscape Concepts for annual tree pruning services. Please refer to the link for meeting details.

Construction Update (from Public Works):

Last week, crews made the following progress:

Began the first stage of roadway patching on N. Harrison Street between Algonquin Road and Front Street. Crews will complete this work in two stages to keep access open to businesses.

Finished pouring the footings and foundation walls for the control building at the lift station* site at the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street. The construction team also began installing interior piping inside the lift station wet well.

Began installing the 24” sanitary sewer on La Fox River Drive to make the final connection into the lift station.

*A facility used to move wastewater from lower to higher elevation.

Next week, the contractor will be working on the following projects:

Completing landscaping on S. Harrison Street between Algonquin Road and Washington Street.

Finishing the second stage of pavement patching and sidewalk on N. Harrison Street.

Continuing sanitary sewer work on La Fox River Drive.

Pouring the slab on grade** for the control building and completing all interior piping inside the lift station wet well.

**A type of foundation

Detours and Closures

N. Harrison Street from Algonquin Road to Front Street is closed. All businesses along N. Harrison Street between Front and Edward streets are open and accessible from Edward Street. During the middle of next week, access to businesses will be switched to Front Street.

La Fox River Drive between Main Street/Route 31 and Center Street, as well as Center Street north of La Fox River Drive, are closed. These closures will remain in place through next month.

Please refer to the map below to detour around the closures. Thank you again for your continued cooperation and patience.

Stage 3 Detour Map Dec. 5 .png

Committee of the Whole Meeting - Dec. 8, 2020

The Committee of the Whole meeting will be held held remotely and in-person (limit 10 seats, masks must be worn) at 7:30 p.m. on December 8, 2020. Please refer to the meeting details on the agenda for participation information. Agenda items include: consider liquor license fee reduction program; purchase a utility truck; and amendment to Resolution 2020-R-30, an agreement with Visu-Sewer for sewer lining to now include manhole lining.

Liquor Commission & Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020

The Liquor Commission special meeting and Village Board meeting for Tuesday, December 1st will be held remotely, starting at 7:25 p.m. Please refer to the meeting participation details on the agenda page of the meeting packet. The Liquor Commission will consider the relocation of the liquor license for ALDI. The Village Board will be approving H&H Electric agreement for street light maintenance; Memo of understanding with McHenry Co. Dept. of Health for the use of Public Work's facility as a mass vaccination dispensing site; bills for payment and previous meeting minutes. Please refer to the links for meeting agendas and other information.

Village Board/Committee of the Whole Meetings - Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020

The Village Board meeting will be held remotely & in-person (limit 10 people with masks) on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 starting at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. Please refer to link for meeting packet containing details on how to participate; call in information; and entire meeting packet. Agenda items include: 5 year agreement for audit services; accepting the Police Pension Municipal Compliance Report; 2020 property tax levy; purchase telehandler; Woods Creek lift station design services; purchase hook lift truck; purchase a HV607 truck; purchase 2 police hybrid SUVs; 1 police car admin car; purchase Brazo software; approve bills & payroll; and approve prior meeting minutes. The Committee of the Whole meeting will start at 7:45 p.m. or immediately following the prior meeting. Agenda items include: agreement with H&H Electric for street light maintenance and an intergovernmental agreement with McHenry Co. Dept of Health for use of the Public Works facility as COVID-19 vaccine distribution location. Please refer to link for meeting packet.…/documents/1605281626_80631.pdf…/documents/1605291761_04036.pdf