Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, November 10

The Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 10 will be held remote/in-person starting at 7:30 p.m. Please read the agenda for details regarding participation; listening to meeting; or attending the meeting. Items being discussed include: agreement with Sikich for audit services; Municipal Compliance Report; Police Pension Fund tax levy; 2020 property tax levy; surplus items; purchase of a tele-handler; Woods Creek lift station design services; and the purchase of other Public Works equipment & vehicles. Please refer to attached link for meeting packet details.

Construction Progress (from Public Works)

This week, crews made the following progress:

Completed sewer and water main work on S. Harrison Street. Crews will complete remaining sewer and water main work south of Algonquin Road (at the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street) as they construct the lift station in the coming weeks.

Restored significant portions of the landscape (or parkway) on La Fox River Drive, Washington and Madison streets. The contractor will be watering the restored areas for the next several weeks until the ground freezes.

Removed old pavement and prepared the base for asphalt paving along La Fox River Drive, Washington (from La Fox River Drive to S. Harrison Street) and Madison streets (La Fox River Drive to mid-block).

Resurfaced Algonquin Road between Main Street and the Fox River bridge in coordination with IDOT's bridge project.

Finished installing the earth retention system* for the excavation of the lift station wet well. Work on the lift station at the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street will continue for the next several weeks.

*A temporary support structure for the lift station

Here's what's coming up next week:

Crews will start installing the sanitary sewer along N. Harrison Street beginning at Algonquin Road and progressing north to Front Street. Restaurants and business along N. Harrison Street in the work area will remain open and accessible. Please follow the detour to Edward Street.

The construction team will complete initial paving on La Fox River Drive, Washington (La Fox River Drive to S Harrison Street) and Madison streets (La Fox River Drive to mid-block) early next week; then crews will adjust the completed manhole frames. The contractor expects to finish paving by the end of the week.

Crews will begin patching the roadway and sidewalk along Washington Street (from S. Harrison to S. Main streets) and S. Harrison Street (from Washington Street to Algonquin Road). To keep the public parking lots on Harrison Street open to the public, crews will patch Harrison Street first. The lots will then be accessible on Harrison Street while crews work on Washington Street.

Detours and Closures

S. Harrison Street between Washington Street and Algonquin Road is closed. N. Harrison Street from Algonquin Road to Front Street is also closed. All businesses along N. Harrison Street between Front and Edward streets are open and accessible from Edward Street.

Washington Street is closed between Main Street and La Fox River Drive. However, the intersection at Washington and Harrison streets is open so that residents can access the public parking lot.

Please refer to the map below to detour around the closures. Thank you again for your continued cooperation and patience.

Suggested hours for trick-or-treating in #Algonquin will be on Saturday, October 31 from 3PM to 7PM. for those choosing to participate. #Halloween is an important tradition in Algonquin, which, like many other events this year, will be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, we encourage individuals to take extra precautions as well as review the associated risks and guidance from the CDC and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).

Learn more at

Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020

The Village Board meeting for Tuesday, Nov. 3rd will be held remotely. Please refer to the attached packet for meeting participation information and agenda details. Agenda items include: agreement with B&B Holiday Decorating for holiday lighting; agreement with EEI for risk and resilience assessment; special event permit & fee waiver for Lion's Club Christmas tree sale at Algonquin State Bank; intergovernmental agreement

with Kane Co. for Corona virus relief funds; approval of prior meeting minutes; and approve monthly bills/payroll expenses.

Stoneybrook Park Construction Update (from Public Works):

Excavating Stoneybrook Park -In the past two weeks, crews have made the following progress:

-Installed 90% of the storm sewer pipes to protect the park from rain events.

-Connected the water main for the new water fountain.

-Installed an electrical box that will deliver electricity for the pavilion.

-Installed concrete curb around the park and started installing curb around the playground.

-Began excavating the old volleyball court

Over the next few weeks, the contractor will install new concrete curb around the north side of the parking lot and the bocce ball court.

Construction Update (from Public Works):

This week, crews made the following progress:

Finished installing the water main and sanitary sewer along Washington Street between S. Harrison and S. Main streets. The final water main connection at the intersection of Washington and S. Harrison streets will be completed early next week.

Continued installing the sanitary sewer along S. Harrison Street between Washington Street and Algonquin Road. The contractor expects to complete this work by the end of next week, which wraps up sanitary sewer installation work south of Algonquin Road.

Started installing the earth retention system, a temporary support structure for the lift station to be installed at the intersection of La Fox River Drive and Center Street. Crews will continue this work next week.

Replaced the curbs, sidewalks and driveway aprons* along Madison and Washington streets and La Fox River Drive.

Began landscape restoration along La Fox River Drive. The contractor will continue this work next week, weather permitting.

Here's what's coming up next week:

The contractor plans to begin roadway restoration work, which includes grinding out the existing pavement and gravel along the following roads: La Fox River Drive, Washington Street from Main Street to La Fox River Drive, Madison Street from La Fox River Drive to 8 Madison Street. On-street parking on these streets will be prohibited while crews are on site. The contractor will provide advance notice of any vehicle access restrictions.

In coordination with IDOT’s bridge project, the contractor will be grinding and resurfacing Algonquin Road from Main Street to the end of the IDOT bridge construction area. The contractor expects to finish this work in just a few days. Afterward, IDOT’s contractor will complete the pavement markings for their project.

Crews will be installing dewatering well points along N. Harrison Street between Algonquin Road and Front Street. These wells will lower the groundwater to help crews install the last segment of the sanitary sewer. Once the wells are operational, it will take approximately one week before the contractor can begin the sewer installation.

*The approach where the road and driveway meet.

Note: The parking lots along S. Harrison Street remain open. Motorists may enter the parking lots through the temporary access ramp installed on Washington Street or from S. Harrison Street (see map below).

Detours and Closures

S. Harrison Street between Washington Street and Algonquin Road is closed. N. Harrison Street from Algonquin Road to Front Street is also closed. All businesses along N. Harrison Street between Front and Edward streets are open and accessible from Edward Street.

Washington Street is closed between Main Street and La Fox River Drive. However, the intersection at Washington and Harrison streets is open so that residents can access the public parking lot.

Note: Please pay close attention to the flaggers during repaving work on Algonquin Road late next week.

Stoneybrook Park Reconstruction

Are you ready for a park makeover? Construction is underway as crews transform Stoneybrook Park (1200 N Huntington Dr.) into a full-service community park with brand new games, courts and trail!

The park will feature a basketball court, bocce ball courts, pickleball courts, a gaga ball pit, picnic shelter, walking trail and a 15-space parking lot, and the current volleyball court and playground will be replaced. Construction is expected to be complete by summer 2021.

Follow the project’s progress by signing up for email updates:

Village Board & Committee of the Whole Meetings - Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2020

A Village Board meeting and Committee of the Whole meeting are scheduled for Tuesday, October 20th starting at 7:30 p.m. The meetings will be held remotely and in-person (limit 12 people, masks must be worn). Please refer to the link for the agenda and meeting packet details. The Committee of the Whole meeting will begin at 7:45 p.m. or immediately following the conclusion of the Village Board meeting. Agenda items include: permit for the Lions Club Christmas tree sale; amendment to Ch. 23, Building Codes & Appendix B, Penalty, Salary, Bonds and Fees of the Municipal Code; review the townhomes proposal; agreement with B&B Holiday Decorating of Des Plaines for holiday lighting and agreement with EEI for risk & resilience assessment. Please refer to meeting packet for details.

Woods Creek Area Construction Update (from Public Works):

Last week, crews paved the parking lot at Ted Spella Park as well as placed the final asphalt surface on Fairway View Drive. Crews also completed various sidewalk repairs throughout the project area and relocated the sheet pilings from the west walls to the east side. These pilings will protect the construction area and creek bed from unstable soil conditions.

This week, crews will return to paving the multi-use path from Woods Creek Lane to Bunker Hill Drive and will begin building the east abutment (support wall) structure. Residents will also see crews regrading (leveling) the creek bed that flows under the new bridge.

If You See Something, Say Something! The construction site has experienced several acts of vandalism lately. Vandalism slows progress and requires the team to redo work. Please notify the police If you see any suspicious or destructive activity.

Road/Path Closure Alert

The multi-use path is closed from Woods Creek Lane to Bunker Hill Drive. Also, Woods Creek Lane is closed due to construction on the bridge-like structure over the creek.

As a reminder, homeowners who have invisible dog fences or sprinklers installed on the public right-of-way will be responsible for any repairs to those items. The Village will not reimburse homeowners for any repairs for personal property installed within the public right-of-way.

Construction Update (from Public Works):

Last week, crews installed the sanitary sewer at the intersection of Washington and S. Harrison streets. The contractor also began replacing curb, sidewalk and driveways along La Fox River Drive. This work will continue for the next few weeks.

This week, crews will continue installing the sanitary sewer along S. Harrison Street between Washington Street and Crystal Creek. The contractor also plans to start replacing the water main along Washington Street between S. Harrison and Main streets later in the week. At that time, Washington Street from S. Harrison to S. Main streets will be closed while crews complete this work.

In the coming weeks, the contractor expects to complete the following work along La Fox River Drive from Center Street and moving north (weather permitting):

Completion of concrete replacement

Restoration of grass areas

Roadway paving

Note: The parking lots along S. Harrison Street will remain open. Motorists may enter the parking lots through the temporary access ramp installed on Washington Street (see map below). While work is being completed on Washington Street later next week, the public lots will be accessible by detouring along Madison Street to S. Harrison Street.

Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, Oct. 13

The Committee of the Whole meeting for Tuesday, October 13 will be held remotely and in-person (limit 12 people & masks required) starting at 7:30 p.m. Please refer to the meeting agenda and packet for details on submitting public comments, participating/listening to the meeting, along with detailed information on agenda items.

Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, October 6

The Village Board meeting will be held remotely and in-person (limit 12 seats, masks must be worn) on Tuesday, Oct. 6 starting at 7:30 p.m. Please refer to agenda for details on submitting comments and listening to meeting. The agenda includes: tribute to Village Clerk Jerry Kautz; proclamation commending & congratulating Teresa Wesolowski & Twisted Rose for 30+ years of business in Algonquin; ordinance officially changing the name of Williams Rd. to Sandbloom Rd. & officially naming Sandbloom Rd; agreement to amend the Wide Open West license; approve bills for payment; approve prior meeting minutes; and Parks and Recreation Master Plan Review & Workshop. Please refer to the meeting packet link for additional details.

Resident's Question Regarding Water Bill Increase

A resident asked me why her water bill increased significantly within the last couple months. In 2016, the Village of Algonquin commissioned a study to look at the water rates and current infrastructure. Please refer to the video/study results/FAQ in the links below for additional information.;id=3819

Woods Creek Path/Bridge Project Update (from Public Works)

If You See Something, Say Something! The construction site has experienced several acts of vandalism lately. Vandalism slows progress and requires the team to redo work. Please notify the police If you see any suspicious or destructive activity.

Last week, crews completed the process of driving the permanent piles for the west abutment wall. This process ensures a strong foundation for the Woods Creek bridge structure. Residents will also notice that the construction team has started planting trees, paved the driveway for the Algonquin Area Public Library and completed Americans with Disabilities (ADA) ramp improvements at various locations.

This week, crews will pave the parking lot at Ted Spella Park and continue planting trees in the construction area. Crews will also pour the foundation for the bridge's west abutment and wing walls. These walls will not only support the new Woods Creek bridge structure but act as retaining walls for the soil around the structure.

Construction Update (from Public Works)

This week, crews restored the roadway at the intersection of Algonquin Road and Main Street and reopened it to traffic. On La Fox River Drive, the construction team continued installing the final sanitary sewer service laterals* and removed the temporary dewatering wells.

Next week, ComEd will relocate utilities at the intersection of Washington and Harrison streets. Our crews will work to complete the sewer and water main installation from the north side of Crystal Creek to Algonquin Road.

At the end of the week, crews will begin removing curb, sidewalk and driveway aprons** along La Fox River Drive as they prepare to replace them. Crews will provide temporary gravel ramps so residents can maintain access to their driveways.

*The pipe connecting a residence or business to the main sewer line.

**The approach where the road and driveway meet.

Prairie Trail Update (from Public Works)

The Trail will open later next week! And make sure you mark your calendar for our ribbon cutting celebration on Oct. 10.

This week, crews finished landscaping along the Trail and installed the remaining pedestrian amenities. Trail users will be able to enjoy a kiosk, bench, picnic tables, water fountains and bicycle racks in a well-lit and enjoyable space.

Early next week, crews will paint the dividing lines on the paved Trail. The construction team will also install the kiosk that will help users locate their favorite businesses along the Trail.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we wrap up construction!

Construction Update Stage 3 Harrison Street (from Public Works):

This week, crews installed the sanitary sewer along Washington Street up to S. Harrison Street. The construction team also completed the final water main connections on N. Main Street and will restore the road early next week; the contractor expects Main Street will be reopened midweek.

Next week, in addition to restoring N. Main Street, crews will install the final sanitary sewer laterals along La Fox River Drive north of Madison Street.

Detours and Closures

Main Street and Algonquin Road is closed and will reopen midweek.

The detour along La Fox River Drive and Washington Street remains in place.

La Fox River Drive from north of Madison Street to the Fox River is closed.

Washington Street from La Fox River Drive to south of S. Harrison Street is closed. The intersection of S. Harrison and Washington streets remains open.

Village Board & Committee of the Whole Meetings - Sept. 15, 2020

The Tuesday, Sept. 15th Village Board meeting will be remote/in-person (limit 12 people, masks required) starting at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. The Committee of the Whole meeting will begin at 7:45 or immediately following the conclusion of the Board meeting. Board meeting agenda items include: ordinances on utilize the local CURE Program and amend section 43.23 Smoke Free Village & Sect. 43.30 Sale of Tobacco of Ch. 43 of Algonquin Municipal Code; resolutions regarding Personnel Policy, Burke Engineering on on-site construction of site development, including Trails of Woods Creek development, and Burke design services, permitting, construction mgmt. & wayfinding sign procurement & installation; approval of bills & expenses; approval of prior meeting minutes & adopt 7th continuation of proclamation of local disaster emergency. Please refer to link for meeting participation and packet details. The Committee of the Whole agenda items include: officially changing the name of Williams Road to Sandbloom Road; officially naming Sandbloom Road and consider an amendment to Wide Open West License Agreement. Refer to link for meeting and participation details.