Algonquin Commons New Owner's Concept Plan

The Red Mountain Group presented their concept plan at last night's Committee of the Whole meeting. Their concept plan shows 3 new areas to the Algonquin Commons: The Link, The Playground, The Field. (Names will be changed once areas built.) The Link could contain bar area, small stage, fireplace, table games, seating, restaurants, event space, etc. with a removable roof portion. The Playground would be a path along with play equipment, shade coverings and tables that connects portion of the Commons. The Field could be a restaurant/coffee with patio that connects to green space where events could take place. They also announced they have many new tenants coming in 2022.

Public Hearing & Special Committee of the Whole Meeting - Wed., Nov. 17 at 6:00 p.m.

A Public Hearing and special Committee of the Whole meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 17th at 6:00 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. The agenda items include: tax increment financing (TIF) district for the proposed redevelopment plan & project for Longmeadow & Randall Rd. redevelopment project area; redevelopment agreement with NorthPoint Development, LLC & intergovernmental agreement with D300. Please refer to the link for details. Prior to every public meeting there is a public comment time. Please come prior to the meeting to register. Thank you.

Village Board & COW Meetings - Tuesday, Nov. 17

There will be 4 Village Board/COW/Public Hearing meetings this week. On Tuesday, Nov. 16th starting at 7:30 p.m. at Ganek Village Hall will be the Village Board meeting. Agenda items include resolutions on Police Pension Municipal Compliance Report for F/Y ending 4/30/2021; Actuarial Funding Report for Police Pension Fund; amount of funds levied for 2021 tax year through real estate taxes for the Village of Algonquin; second amendment to the site agreement with T3 Tower 2, LLC for subleasing ground space at the Algonquin Cemetery; public event license for Miracle on Main, including closure of S. Main St. between Alg. Rd. & Washington St. on 12/04/2021; executive session regarding land acquisition & collective bargaining; ordinance regarding Lot 120 in Dawson Mill subdivision; approve prior meeting minutes and bills for payment. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet.

At 7:45 p.m. or immediately following the board meeting will be the Committee of the Whole(COW) meeting. Agenda items include amending section 6C.07 operating permits & permit conditions & section 25.0 escrow deposit and reimbursement agreement required & Appendix B of the Algonquin Municipal Code; ordinance amending Section 9.05 Reporting & Record Keeping of the Algonquin Municipal Code and reinvestment into the Algonquin Commons presentation of concept by Red Mountain Retail Group.

Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 9

The Committee of the Whole will be meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive to discuss the following agenda items: resolution accepting the Police Pension Municipal Compliance Report; Actuarial Funding Report for the Police Pension Fund; 2021 property tax levy; second amendment to the site agreement with T3 Tower 2 LLC for subleasing ground space at the Algonquin Cemetery and a public event for Miracle Main on Dec. 4. Please refer to the meeting packet link for details.

2 Public Hearings & Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 7:00 p.m.

There will be 2 public hearings and a board meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 2 at 2200 Harnish Drive for any interested persons or any affected taxing districts with respect to the proposed designation of the Area and adoption of the Plan and Project.

Proposed Longmeadow/Randall Redevelopment Area Plan and Project, TIF Eligibility Report, and Proposed Designation of the Longmeadow and Randall Redevelopment Area.

At 7:25 p.m. there will be a public hearing of the Village of Algonquin Corporate Authorities. Summary Overview of Proposed Annexation/Development Agreement with L&H Farm Limited Partnership, owner, and NorthPoint Development, LLC, developer. The annexation/development agreement is for the property assigned property identification numbers 03-07-200-006 and 03-07-200-007 and generally located east of Huntley Road, south of Longmeadow Parkway, west of Randall Road and northwest of the western terminus of Grandview Drive. It is presently in unincorporated Kane County

A Village Board meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. The agenda items include: ordinances regarding NorthPoint Algonquin Corporate Campus, zoning; North Harrison streetscape additions; approval of bills of payment and approval of prior meeting minutes. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet.

Village Board/Committee of the Whole Meetings - Tuesday, Oct. 19

Two Village of Algonquin meetings are scheduled on Tuesday, October 19th at 2200 Harnish Drive starting at 7:30 p.m. The Village Board meeting will be adopting a resolution for emergency watermain repair for Victoria Court with Martam Construction; approving a seasonal event permit for Algonquin Lions Club Christmas tree sales for Nov. 11-Dec. 23; approving a event/entertainment license for the Algonquin Lions Club Thanksgiving 5K on Nov. 25; approving bills for payment; approving previous meeting minutes; passing a resolution authorizing the acquisition of 7 South Main Street; and presentation on Comprehensive Annual Financial report/supplementary information. The Committee of the Whole will begin at 7:45 p.m. or immediately following the Board meeting. Agenda items include: Algonquin Advantage Economic Dev. presentation; amendment to Ch. 21.10 of Algonquin Municipal Code; consider annex, preliminary plat of subdivision, preliminary PUD, and zoning annexation (NorthPoint Alg. Corporate Campus); and consider an agreement for design/build of North Harrison Street streetscape additions. Please refer to the links for meeting packets.

The parcel at 7 S. Main Street is in a floodplain and impacting the adjacent Crystal Creek.

The parcel at 7 S. Main Street is in a floodplain and impacting the adjacent Crystal Creek.

Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, Oct. 12th

A Committee of the Whole meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. The agenda items include: seasonal event permit for the Algonquin Lions Club Christmas Tree Sales for Nov. 11-Dec. 23, 2021 and for 2022. 2023, 2024 & 2025; public event license for the Algonquin Lions Club Thanksgiving 5k on Nov. 25; and an agreement with Martam Construction for the Victoria Court emergency watermain repair.

Liquor Commission & Village Board Meetings - Tuesday, Oct. 5

The Liquor Commission and the Village Board Meetings will take place on Tuesday, October 5 starting at 7:25 p.m. Tap House Grill, LLC. 1508 S. Randall Rd. (in Algonquin Commons) has requested a liquor license. The Village Board agenda items include: resolution for an agreement with Kompan for the purchase of playground equipment at Hill Climb Park; resolution for an agreement with Burke, LLC for Whitehall Lane brick paver replacement design build; ordinance increasing Class A liquor license by one; approve bills for payment; and approve prior meeting minutes.

Village Board & COW Meetings - Tuesday, September 21

The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, September 21 starting at 7:30 p.m. The agenda includes: ordinances regarding Ch. 33 Liquor Control & Liquor Licensing; resolutions on downtown snow removal; High Hill Subdivision Phase 1 & 2 engineering; snow & ice removal of cul-de-sacs/eyebrows; Intergovernmental agreement with City of McHenry for mutual aid; Intergovernmental agreement with School District 158 for School Resource Officer; event permit for Aces Halloween Softball Tournament, Oct. 22-24 at Algonquin Lakes Park w/food trucks; conveyance of property at 221 S. Main St. owned by Algonquin State Bank to the Village of Algonquin for $799,999; approve bills for payment and previous meeting minutes. The Committee of the Whole meeting will immediately follow the Board meeting. Agenda items include: purchase of playground equipment for Hill Climb Park; agreement with Burke LLC for the Whitehall Lane brick paver replacement design build and amend Ch. 33 Liquor Control & Liquor Licensing. Please see the meeting packets at:

Special Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, Sept. 14th

A special Village Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 7:45 p.m. or immediately following the Committee of the Whole Meeting. An ordinance fixing a time & place of a public hearing regarding tax increment financing (TIF) eligibility study and development plan & project for the Longmeadow/Randall Redevelopment project area.

Committee of the Whole - Tuesday, Sept. 14th

The Committee of the Whole meeting will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 14 starting at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. Agenda items include: event permit for Aces Halloween Baseball Tournament; ordinance fixing a time & place of a public hearing for tax increment financing eligibility study and development plan/project for Longmeadow/Randall Rd. project; River Ridge Estates; Riverview townhome proposal; Ch 33, Liquor Licensing increase H Class license and Class A & event permit; Nilco Landscape Solutions for downtown snow removal; Strand Associates for High Hill subdivision phase; Langton Group for snow removal in cul-de-sacs; intergovernmental agreement with City of McHenry for mutual aid; and an agreement with School District 158 for a school resource officer.