Meetings - Tuesday, Feb. 15

There are four meetings scheduled for Tuesday, February 15th starting at 7:15 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. The Liquor Commission Meeting is at 7:15 p.m.; 7:25 p.m. Special Liquor Commission Meeting; 7:30 p. m. Village Board Meeting; and 7:45 p.m. or immediately following is the Committee of the Whole Meeting (budget items are on the agenda). Please refer to the links listed in order of the scheduled meetings for the agenda items.

Committee of the Whole - Tuesday, Feb. 8

The Committee of the Whole will be meeting on Tuesday, February 8th at 7:30 p.m. The Committee will be discussing special event/liquor permit for the Algonquin-LITH Chamber of Commerce Old Town Wine Walk; agreement to enter National Opioids Settlement Class Action Litigation; agreement for pool pump & motor replacement; Ratt Creek Reach 5 streambank restoration project & mgmt. oversight; Downtown flowers & maintenance contract; tree planting project; designation of depositories for funds; and amendment to Ch. 33 adding additional A-1 liquor license/remove a class G license. There is a public comment period prior to the meeting (Complete a form & turn in to Village Clerk prior to the meeting.) Meetings take place at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. Refer to the link for the meeting packet.

Village Meetings - Tuesday, Feb. 1

There are three meetings scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 1 starting at 7:00 p.m., including: Liquor Commission, Village Board and Committee of the Whole. Meetings will take place at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. Please refer to links for agenda/meeting packets. Committee of the Whole agenda items include capital improvement budget items.

Village Board/Committee of the Whole Meetings - Jan. 18th

The Village Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18th at 7:30 p.m. followed by a Committee of the Whole meeting. Agenda items include: resolution to abate a portion of the amusement taxes imposed upon the playing of video gaming terminal; agreement with At&t to relocate overhead communication facilities along Harrison St., Washington Ave., & Jefferson St. underground; agreement with Trotter & Associates for 2022 Wastewater Treatment Facility Plan Update & Expansion and biosolid handling improvements; Intergovernmental agreement with McHenry County for the Police Social Worker Program (this is in addition to the current full-time social worker); approving previous meeting minutes, approve bills for payment; approve on-call personnel responsibilities MOU; and approve a residential lease agreement, 5615 Edgewood Road. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet.

The Committee of the Whole agenda includes a resolution amending the amount of funds associated with the 2019 MFT maintenance expenses.

Committee of the Whole - Tuesday, Jan. 11

The Committee of the Whole will be meeting on Tuesday, January 11 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the following agenda items: administer the oath of office to Police Officers Sarah Peters and Daniel Scerbicke; Community Survey presentation; amend Ch. 33 Liquor Control & Liquor Licensing; abatement of a portion of the Amusement Taxes; At&T relocate overhead communications facilities along Harrison St, Washington Ave. & Jefferson St. underground; Trotter & Associates for the 2022 Waste Water Facility Plan update/expansion & biosolids handling improvements and intergovernmental agreement with County of McHenry for the Police Social Worker Program. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet.

Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, Jan. 4th

The Village Board will be meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 4 at 2200 Harnish Drive. Agenda items include: approve previous meeting minutes; approve bills for payment; an ordinance amending the Merit Compensation Plan; intergovernmental agreement with Algonquin Lake in the Hills Fire Protection District; purchase 3 vehicles; agreements with ComEd & Comcast regarding relocating overhead electrical facilities; bulk purchase of salt; agreement with Landscape Concept Mgmt. for tree pruning; agreement for additional items with High Hills subdivision and approving an agreement with Local 150. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet.

Public Works

#Algonquin's Public Works Department had a constructive year – completing 8 projects, maintaining 154.5 acres of park land and 143 miles of roadway, completing 1,289 Algonquin Fix It! requests and more!

Thanks for allowing us to serve you! Watch this video to view highlights of the 2021 improvements completed by Public Works in our community and a sneak peek at what is planned for 2022.

Message from the Village of Algonquin - “Do you have #branches down in your yard from the recent high winds? The #Algonquin Public Works Department will be doing a special brush collection for three days only next week – Monday 12/20, Tuesday 12/21, and Wednesday 12/22. Refer to the map to see which day your zone will be visited and place your branches on the curb for pickup by 7:00AM.

Please note that once each zone has been completed, brush will not be collected again until Groot’s regular brush collection resumes in April.”

Meetings - Tuesday, December 21

The Liquor Commission Special Meeting, Village Board Meeting and Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting are scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 21 starting at 7:15 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. The Liquor Commission will be discussing Daras Africana Market & Restaurant and Vass-X (dba)X-Golf's applications. (1st link below) The Village Board Meeting will be voting on previous COW agenda items; bills for payment & previous meeting minutes. Please refer to 2nd link below for meeting packet. The Committee of the Whole Meeting agenda items include: Rosen Hyndai Expansion presentation of concept (photo in post) Starts on page 8 of meeting packet - 3rd link below; relocating electrical facilities in certain areas; annual tree pruning project; agreement with Algonquin/LITH Fire Protection District; purchase 3 HV607 vehicles; merit compensation plan amendment for new title of Community Development Deputy Director and more. Please refer to 3rd link below.

Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, Dec. 14

The Committee of the Whole will be meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 14 to discuss the following agenda items: Update to Ch. 23 building codes; amendment to ordinance No. 2001-O-47 & special use for a minor motor vehicle repair facility on Lot 5 in Rosen, Rosen, Rosen subdivision (former NAPA bldg. modified for a vehicle repair) see photo below; amendment to section 21.11(J) Conservation Design Standards & procedures within planned developments; revised plat for Chick Fil A to include Village utility easement; Lennar subdivision presentation Pathways Senior housing presentation; amendment to Ch. 33; purchasing Police vehicles and purchase a sweeper. Please refer to link for the meeting packet.

Tap House Grill Ribbon Cutting

Tap House Grill locate in the Algonquin Commons off Randall Road has a great menu, delicious food and friendly staff!

Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, Dec. 7

The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive to vote on the following agenda items: ordinances on TIF Eligibility Report & Redevelopment Area Plan & project for Longmeadow & Randall Redevelopment project area; designated Longmeadow & Randall Redevelopment project area; TIF for the area; redevelopment agreement by & between the Village & NorthPoint Development LLC; amend section 6C.07 Operating Permits & permit conditions & section 25.01 Escrow Deposit; amend section 9.05 reporting &record keeping of the Alg. Municipal Code; levy of taxes for the Village for the year 2021; intergovernmental agreement by & between the Village & D300; approve bills for payment; approve prior meeting minutes; & approve the eleventh continuation of proclamation of local disaster emergency for the Village to March 15, 2022. Refer to link for meeting packet.

Towne Park Survey

It’s your tax $$ and your park, please complete the survey (see link below). Below is from the Village’s Facebook Post:

Towne Park is one of the Village’s most utilized parks, located near Old Town #Algonquin. In order to continue serving as a focal point for the community and expand current use, the Village is working on a long-term vision for the park.

Please spend a couple of minutes to complete the survey and provide us with your feedback. Your answers will help guide the design process for the master plan.
