Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, July 12

A Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 12 at 7:30 p.m. (2200 Harnish Drive) to discuss requests for: Algonquin Aces event permit; increase in Class A-1 liquor licenses; and an agreement with C. Burke Engineering regarding High Hill area street improvement construction oversite services. Please click on the link for the meeting packet.

Planning & Zoning Commission - Monday, July 11

The Planning and Zoning Commission will be meeting on Monday, July 11 at 7:00 p.m. (2200 Harnish Drive) to discuss a request regarding the Final Planned Development for Lot 6, and approve a Special Use for a Drive-thru, and a Special Use for Open Air Dining for the Enclave Phase 1 Case No. PZ-2022-09 Southeast Corner of Randall Road and Commons and a setback request for 628 Gaslight Drive. Attached is the meeting agenda.

Thank You Officers!

From the Algonquin Police Department: “We at the Algonquin Police Department want to wish our community a happy and safe Independence Day!

In honor of the holiday weekend, we would like to share the highlight of today’s day shift.”

Village Meetings - Tuesday July 5th

There are three Village meetings scheduled for Tuesday, July 5th starting at 7:25 p.m. They include: Special Liquor Commission Meeting; Public Hearing on Annexation of land off Square Barn Road; and a Village Board Meeting. Please follow the links for the agenda/meeting packet.

Village Board & Committee of the Whole Meetings - Tuesday, June 21

The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, June 21st for the Village Board and Committee of the Whole Meetings starting at 7:30 p.m. , 2200 Harnish Drive. The Committee of the Whole agenda items includes: Westview Crossings (off Square Barn Road) (annexation, preliminary PUD plat, plan & rezoning and the Riverview Townhomes (located near Algonquin Road & River Road). The first link is the COW agenda packet. The Westview Crossings traffic study starts on p. 66. The Riverview townhomes info starts on page. 105.

The Village Board will be voting on agenda items from the last Committee of the Whole meeting, along with bills for payment and previous meeting minutes. Please go to the link for details.

Committee of the Whole - Tuesday, June 14th

The Towne Park Master plan and cost estimate ($3.8M) will be discussed, along with a presentation of the Mineral Springs concept plan ($257K) at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Tuesday, June 14th at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will take place at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. There is a public comment period near the beginning of the meeting. If you plan to make comments, please register with Village Clerk prior to the meeting. Other meeting agenda items include: Founder's Day permit, PUD & special use for Polish Slavic Federal Credit Union; amendment to final PUD for Rosen Commercial Center; business agreement for Rosen Hyundai Enterprises, LLC; reconstruction of Souwanas Trail, Oceola Drive & Schuett Streets; agreement with Burke Engineering. for Northpoint development management services; paving of Harrison St./Washington St. parking lot; pressure reducing valve replacement; surplus items; temporary lane reduction for Founder's Day Parade and more. Please click the link for the meeting packet.

Clean Eatz

Clean Eatz is a new restaurant in Algonquin that offers healthy meals, weekly meal plans and more. It’s near Kohls & Target off Randall Road.

Special Olympics

From the Algonquin Police Department: The Algonquin Police Department is proud to host the 2022 Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics this Sunday, June 12th.

Algonquin Police Officers as well as officers from other McHenry County police agencies and local Special Olympics athletes will be running through the streets of Algonquin starting at 8AM at Jacobs High School, 2601 Bunker Hill Drive.

This event is part of multiple yearly events to raise funds, awareness and acceptance on behalf of Special Olympics athletes. The course has multiple viewing locations, including at APD (2200 Harnish Drive), where participants will be running under an American flag provided by the Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Firefighters Local #3985 at approximately 8:05 AM.

Other viewing locations for community members are at the intersection of South Main Street and Washington St (approximately 8:20 AM) in downtown Algonquin and at the finish line at the Lions-Armstrong Pool at 599 Longwood Drive (arrival time is approximately 9:00 AM).

NorthPoint Ribbon Cutting

The NorthPoint ribbon cutting/shovel ceremony was this morning. The NorthPoint development will bring 1,000 jobs, $3M in property tax revenue to government agencies (fire/school districts/county/Algonquin/Carpentersville/etc.) and increases commercial/warehouse space in Algonquin. Once built, NorthPoint will manage the property and continue to build a long-term relationship with the community. Welcome NorthPoint!

Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, June 7th

The agenda for the Village Board Meeting on Tuesday, June 7 includes a proclamation for Pollinator Week; proclamation recognizing Peggy Blanchard's ICSC Distinguished Service Award; resolution on Schroeder Asphalt for High Hills subdivision; approve bills for payment; approve prior meeting minutes; approve public event AAYO/Algonquin Aces Junebug Jamboree Softball Tournament on June 25 & 26; executive session regarding collective bargaining; and a resolution on agreement with the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Algonquin Civilians Ch. 183. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. There is a public comment period at each meeting. Please come prior to the meeting start time to register. Please follow the link for the meeting packet.

Committee of the Whole & Village Board Meetings - Tuesday, May 17

The Committee of the Whole agenda for Tuesday, May 17 includes a review and discussion of a proposed Atlantic Rental development (259 apartments within 7 buildings & 66 rental townhomes with main entrance off Longmeadow Parkway); special permit for ACES Junebug Jamboree at Presidential Park on 6/25 & 6/226; and an agreement with Schroeder Asphalt Services for the High Hill subdivision improvement project. The Village Board meeting agenda includes resolutions for pavement marking; striping; purchase/installation of radios & equipment; in-house engineering; approval of prior minutes; approval of bills for payment and more. Please refer to the meeting packet links for additional details. Meetings start at 7:30 p.m. To register to make comments please complete the form & submit it to Village Clerk prior to the meeting.

Proposed rental development with main entrance off Longmeadow Parkway. Right in/out off Randall Road.

Village of Algonquin is Seeking Proposals

Per the Village of Algonquin - The Village is seeking proposals for redevelopment of the property located at the southeast corner of South Main Street and Washington Street (former Algonquin State Bank). The Downtown Planning Study and Comprehensive Plan have identified this site for mixed-use redevelopment serving the Old Town #Algonquin area. Learn more at the following links:

View RFQ:

View Downtown Planning Study:

Committee of the Whole Meeting - May 10th

The Committee of the Whole will be meeting on Tuesday, May 10th at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive to discuss the following agenda items: agreement with Starcom Radio for purchase of radios; agreement with Christopher Burke Engineering for in-house engineering services; agreement with At-Risk Management Contractor for designer-led design-build project for Gaslight Park; acceptance of watermain easement at 100 & 111 S. Main Street from Towne Park Condo Assoc.; agreement with Burke, LLC for design-build of Terrace Lakes brick pavement replacement; agreement with Semper Fi Land, Inc for Woods Creek Reach 5 streambank restoration; and agreement with Resource Environmental Solutions for the construction management services of Woods Creek Reach 5 streambank restoration. Follow the link below for the meeting packet details.

Village Board Meetings - Tuesday, May 3

The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, May 3 starting at 7:20 p.m. for a special Liquor Commission, followed by a Village Board Meeting. The Village Board meeting agenda items include: administer oath of office to Police Officer Moore; proclamations for Police Week, Police Memorial Day and National Public Works Week; appointments; approve prior meeting minutes and bills; and approve public event for St. Margaret Mary Catholic School 5K. Please refer to the links for additional information.