Village Meetings - Tuesday, July 16

Three Village meetings are scheduled for the Village Board on Tuesday, July 16th starting at 7:25 p.m. for the Liquor Commission meeting, followed by the Village Board meeting and Committee of the Whole meeting. All meetings take place in the Board room at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. Agenda items being discussed in the Committee of the Whole meeting include: final PUD, a Plat of Subdivision, a special use for open air dining, and a zoning map amendment for 221 South Main Street; an Intergovernmental Boundary Agreement with Village of Gilberts; amending Chapter 33 by increasing the number of available Class F Liquor Licenses by one; an Agreement with Martam Construction for the Edgewood Drive retaining wall; a resolution adopting the Kane County 2024 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. The links below are listed in order of the meeting start time. There is a public comment period prior to the start of the meetings. Please register with the Village Clerk.