The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, August 6 at 8:00 p.m. in the board room at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. The Board will be voting on prior meeting minutes; bills for payment; an Ordinance accepting the final PUD, a Plat of Subdivision, a special use for open air dining, and a zoning map amendment for 221 South Main Street; an ordinance amending Chapter 33 by increasing the number of available Class F Liquor Licenses by one; an agreement with Martam Construction for the Edgewood Drive retaining wall replacement project in the amount of $479,777.70; adoption of the Kane County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan; and approve a public event permit and waive the license fee for the Algonquin Lion's Club Bean Bag Tournament on August 17th (rain date August 18) from 11-4 at 461 S. Randall Road and allow Buffalo Wild Wings to extend their alcohol serving area to include the fenced area adjacent to the enclosed patio during the event. Refer to the link for the meeting packet.