Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, January 14

The Village Board will be meeting to discuss agenda items at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Tuesday, January 14 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the board room at 2200 Harnish Drive. There is a public comment period at the start of the meeting. The link contains the meeting packet. Items on the agenda include: an amendment to the Algonquin Meadows Development Agreement; consider the Preliminary Planned Development, a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision, and a Special Use Permit for a Gas Station at the Southwest Corner of East Algonquin Road and Illinois Route 25; a Zoning Map Amendment from B-1 Business, Limited Retail Zoning District to B-2 Business, General Retail Zoning District; 2024 Community Survey Presentation; designation of depositories for funds and other Public Monies in the Custody of the Village of Algonquin; an Agreement with National Power Rodding for the Storm Sewer Lining Project on Braewood Drive; an Agreement for Grounds Maintenance Services with Sebert for 2025-2027; an Agreement for Downtown Landscape Maintenance Services with Yellowstone Landscapes for 2025-2027; an Agreement with the Catholic Diocese for the Eastgate Drive improvements; and an Intergovernmental Agreement with the County of McHenry for the McHenry County Gang Task Force.