Village Meetings - Tuesday, January 21

Two Village meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, January 21 starting at 7:30 p.m. in the board room at 2200 Harnish Drive. At the Village Board meeting the board will be voting on the following items: execution of the First Amendment to the Development Agreement by and between the Village of Algonquin and CalAtlantic Group, LLC ; approving a Zoning Map Amendment for Property Located at 2040 E. Algonquin Road; approving the Designation of Depositories for Funds and Other Public Monies in the Custody of the Village of Algonquin; an agreement with National Power Rodding for the Storm Sewer Lining Project on Braewood Drive in the Amount of $38,500.00; an agreement for Grounds Maintenance Services with Sebert for 2025-2027 in the Annual Amount of $431,524.00; an agreement for Downtown Landscape Maintenance Services with Yellowstone Landscapes for 2025-2027 in the Amounts of $143,332.00 for 2025, $147,632.00 for 2026 and $152,060.00 for 2027; an Agreement, Subject to Attorney Review, with the Catholic Diocese for the Property Dedication, Temporary Construction Easements for the Eastgate Drive Improvements; an Intergovernmental Agreement with the County of McHenry for the McHenry County Gang Task Force; previous meeting minutes and bills for payment. The Committee of the Whole meeting will begin at 7:45 p.m. or immediately following. Items being discussed include: Special Service Area at Spectrum; amend liquor license; Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources agreement, Christopher Burke Engineering oversight of Presidential Park construction and surplus equipment. The meeting packet links are below. There is a public comment period prior to the start of each meeting.