Harnish Drive Project

(From Public Works) Project Overview - As part of the reconstruction of Harnish Drive from Randall Road to Hanson Road, the Village will repair and resurface roadways, as well as improve drainage, patch driveway and curbs and address ADA improvements such as striping of pedestrian crosswalks. The project includes improvements to Harnish Drive, Chatham Circle, Flora Drive, Sutcliff Court, Sandpiper Court and Fairfield Lane. https://www.harnishdriveconstruction.org/

Recently, the Village of Algonquin hired Arrow Road Construction to construct the Harnish Drive Roadway Rehab project. This project includes improvements to Harnish Drive, Chatham Circle, Flora Drive, Sutcliff Court, Sandpiper Court and Fairfield Lane. Improvements consist of the removal of the existing asphalt roadway, stabilization of the underlying base, misc. removal and replacement of curb and gutter, misc. removal and replacement of sidewalk, ADA crosswalk updates, minor spot repairs of sanitary sewer, upgrades to existing curb inlets, new storm sewer and storm structures, new asphalt pavement installation, new pavement markings and signage, plantings, and restoration.

The project is currently scheduled to begin the week of July 12, 2021, weather permitting, and is expected to be completed by October 1, 2021. This project is fully funded by the Capital Improvement project of the Village of Algonquin.

While the contractor works to minimize any inconveniences, there will be challenges with dirt, dust and noise. Temporary road closures may occur at various times; however, access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout construction. Should an improvement directly impact access to a business or residence, residents will be notified at least twelve (12) hours prior to access removal by virtue of a door hanger. The contractor will also knock on their door prior to the access removal. The door hanger will notify residents of the length of the inaccessibility to your driveway.

The Village requests that all inquiries and or comments be made to the Public Works Department. Direct contact with the contractor is not recommended due to site safety concerns. All inquiries and concerns should be addressed to Brett Bennett, Project Engineer, by emailing bbennett@spacecoinc.com. Residents are also encouraged to download and utilize the “ Algonquin Fix It” (aka See Click Fix) phone application.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation during this important public improvement. With your patience and understanding, the Village will efficiently and effectively manage this project and provide an improved asset to your neighborhood.

Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, July 13th

The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 13th at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Board Room at 2200 Harnish Drive. The meeting agenda items being discussed include: event permit for Art on the Fox Sept. 11-12; zoning map amendment request for 915 S. Main Street; amendment to zoning code to allow medical office uses permitted & hospitals a special use in B-1 district; amendment to landscaping code; amending Ch 22.08; resolution authorizing a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) feasibility study for the southwest corner of Longmeadow Parkway & Randall Road; ordinance authorizing the establishment of interested parties' registries & adopting rules for such registries for Redevelopment Project Areas in the Village; agreement w/ Trotter & Associates for construction mgmt. of Woods Creek Pumping Station project; agreement with Christopher Burke Engineering for the stormwater master plan; surplus items; roof & gutter repair for Historic Village Hall; Hitchcock Design Group for Towne Park Developments master plan; and resolution for temporary land reduction of a state highway. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet. https://www.algonquin.org/egov/documents/1625835966_2807.pdf

North Harrison Street Construction Update (from Public Works):

Last week, contractors prepared for gas and sewer installation as part of the Around and About Main Street project. Work on North Harrison Street continued with gas utility relocation, AT&T adjustments and storm sewer removal and replacement. The contractor also started work on South Harrison Street with removal of pavement, curb and gutter and storm sewer.

Next week, crews will continue with storm sewer removal on North and South Harrison Streets. In addition, the contractor will begin work to upgrade the gas main on North Harrison Street between IL 62 and Front Street. Learn more at:


Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, July 6

The Village Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, July 6th at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive in Algonquin. Meeting agenda items include: appoint Joe Menolascino to the Economic Development Commission; resolutions on 6 Public Works Projects (Countryside standpipe maintenance program, dry utility relocation; Harrison Street Bridge & Riverwalk project, North River Rd. right of way, Main Street water main extension, & Woods Creek pump station improvements project); approval of bills for payment; public event license for Algonquin Public Library District’s 100th Birthday event at Spella Park; approve prior meeting minutes; and executive session for collective bargaining and land acquisition. Please refer to the meeting packet for additional information.


Liquor Commission, Village Board and Committee of the Whole Meetings - Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A Liquor Commission Special Meeting will take place at 7:25 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15th at the Ganek Village Hall 2200 Harnish Drive, followed by a Village Board and Committee of the Whole Meetings. The Village Board Meeting agenda includes: resolution to execute an agreement with MAP Police Officer - Ch. 78 for May 1, 2021-April 30,2025; resolution regarding an easement agreement with School District 300; resolution with Christopher Burke Engineering amending the in-house agreement in the amount of $200,000 for fiscal year 2021-2022; approving bills and payroll expenses for payment and approve previous meeting minutes. The Community of the Whole will discuss public event for Algonquin Public Library Districts 100th Birthday event; discuss direction of the proposed Corporate Campus - NorthPoint Development and Public Works & Safety (6 items). Please refer to the links for the meeting packets.

Algonquin Police Department - Special Olympics Events

(From the Algonquin Police Department Facebook Page) After a great return event (Torch Run) to raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics, we wanted to share our upcoming Torch Run for Special Olympics events with everyone.

From now until October 15th, 2021 we will be selling raffle tickets (statewide raffle) on behalf of Special Olympics Illinois. There are two different raffle tickets, one is for a chance to win a Harley Davidson Street Glide and the other is for a chance to win a Coleman Lantern 17B Camper. You can purchase raffle tickets online at https://www.soill.org/blog/events/harley-davidson-raffle/ or https://www.soill.org/blog/events/camper-raffle/

Whatever Police agency you would like to give the online purchase credit for, you can enter that agency name in one of the fields. You can also, contact Deputy Chief Dennis Walker at dennisw@algonquin.org to purchase tickets as well.

Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics t-shirts, hats, pins and the previously mentioned raffle tickets will be available to be purchased and in exchange for donations at this years Algonquin Founders Days Festival July 22-25th at Spella Park. Look for the APD black and yellow tent with the merch on display!

Lastly, the Cop on the Rooftop event at our local Dunkin stores is back!! The date is tentatively set for August 20th. More to come!

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Stoneybrook Park Ribbon Cutting

It was perfect weather for the Stoneybrook Park's ribbon cutting this morning. Stoneybrook Park offers a variety of activities for all - playground, pickle ball, bags toss, bocce ball, gaga ball, volleyball and a walking path. It was funded in part with a Open Space & Land Acquisition Development grant. The park is located at 1200 N. Huntington Rd. The park also has a shelter that can be rented for your private gathering by contacting the Village Hall at 847-658-2700.

Special Village Board & Committee of the Whole Meetings - Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A special Village Board meeting will be held at 7:25 p.m. on Tuesday, June 8 at the Ganek Village Hall, 2200 Harnish Drive, followed by a Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:30 p.m. The special Village Board meeting is for the appointment of Brian Dianis as a Trustee. The Committee of the Whole will be discusing an easement agreement with School District 300; amendment to the in-house engineering services agreement with Christopher Burke Engineering; and an agreement with Christopher Burke Engineering for the Harrison St. Bridge and Riverwalk project. Please refer to the links for the meeting packets. https://www.algonquin.org/.../documents/1622813639_76545.pdf


Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Village Board will be meeting on Tuesday, June 1st at 7:30 p.m. 2200 Harnish Drive. The meeting agenda includes: ordinance declaring certain vehicles surplus; ordinance amending Section 29.14-F Randall Road Corridor Dist. sign regulations of the Algonquin Sign Code to reduce the required setback; approve bills for payment; special event & liquor event permits and waiving the liquor restrictions for Founders Days; and approve previous meeting minutes. Please refer to the link for the meeting packet.

Village Board & Committee of the Whole Meetings - Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The in-person Village Board and Committee of the Whole Meetings will take place on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 starting at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. The Village Board agenda includes: administer oath of office to Maggie Auger, Village Clerk; presentation Eagle Scout certificates; proclaim June as Pride Month; approve previous meeting minutes & bills for payment; and 14 resolutions regarding Public Works projects. Please see link for meeting packet.


The Committee of the Whole agenda includes Founder's Day's Special Event and amending Randall Road Corridor District sign regulations to reduce setback. Please refer to link for details.


It’s official! Village President Sosine, Trustee, Glogowski, Trustee Smith and myself took the oath of office at Tuesday’s meeting. I look forward to serving Algonquin residents and working with the Village Board.

Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The in-person Village Board meeting for Tuesday, May 4th will begin at 7:30 p.m. at 2200 Harnish Drive. Agenda items include: administering the oath of to newly elected Village President Debby Sosine; administering the oath of office to newly elected Trustees: Laura Brehmer, Jerrold Glogowski, Robert Smith; administering the oath of office to Deputy Chief Dennis Walker; administering the oath of office to Officers Matthew Hunter and Earl Wesley Hopper; proclamations for Police Week and Police Memorial Day; proclamation for National Public Works Week; appointments for Board & Commissions, Staff & Chairpersons, Village Attorney and Village Engineer; approve prior meeting minutes and more. Please refer to the link for the complete agenda and meeting packet. A special Liquor Commission Special Meeting will follow at 7:45 p.m. or immediately after the board meeting.
