Public Hearing on Proposed 2020-2021 Budget & Village Board Meeting - March 17

Village meetings for Tuesday, March 17th include: a public hearing for the proposed budget for fiscal year 2020-2021 at 7:25 p.m. and the Village Board meeting at 7:30 p.m. The Village Board meeting agenda includes: approval of ordinance amending Ch.33 Liquor Control & Liquor Licensing; resolutions pertaining to side letter agreement with MAP, Alg. Civilian Ch. 183; intergovernmental agreement with McHenry Co. Conservation Dist.; agreement with Applied Ecological Services for Holder Park detention area; amendment to MFT Material & Maintenance Funds for 2019; allocation of MFT funds for 2020; ordinance amending Ch.14 Dogs & Other Animals of the Municipal Code; approve 2020 Summer Concerts; approve Family Entertainment Series; approve bills & meeting minutes; and approve zoning map. Please refer to links for additional packet information.
The Committee of the Whole meeting has been cancelled.…/documents/1584130208_02761.pdf

Ordinance Amending Ch. 14 Dogs and other Animals of the Municipal Code

Thank you to Tina and her friends, who spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting last night, in support of amending Ch. 14 Dogs and other animals of the Municipal Code. This proactive ordinance will restrict the "sale of puppies, kittens and rabbits to only those sourced from shelters, humane or rescue organizations." The Committee of the Whole moved the ordinance forward to be voted on at the next Village Board meeting (3/17). Please note: The Village does NOT have any pet stores that sell puppy mill puppies/kittens.
Please read about Harley the pup featured here at: . Additional information on this issue can be found at:

Harley’s Dream: End Puppy Mills

Harley’s Dream: End Puppy Mills

Frequently Asked Question - What is a Committee of the Whole Meeting?

Residents have frequently asked me what is a Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting? Committee of the Whole agenda items usually fall into three categories: Community Development, General Administration or Public Works/Safety issues. (Please see handout attached for detailed information on each category.) Items are discussed at the COW meeting; if an issue needs formal action by the Village Board it will be placed on the agenda of the Village Board meeting. Interested parties may register to speak prior to any public meeting.

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Sewer Work Update

Sewer Work Update (from Public Works):
Last week, crews completed work on filling in/sealing sewers and manholes that will not be used in the future. The contractor also finished removing the lift station located in the 900 block of North Harrison Street, which pumped sewage from low elevation to higher elevation. The lift station was removed because the new sewer is installed deeper, which allows the wastewater to be transported by gravity instead of having to be pumped.

This week, crews will continue cleaning up the site and hauling material and equipment offsite. The contractor will also continue working on storm sewers; this work is anticipated to last a few more weeks. The major work associated with the storm sewer replacement will take place at two sites: 1) the intersection of North Harrison Street and Sunny Drive and 2) along Edwards Street between North Harrison and North Main streets. Once the storm sewer work is installed, all the underground work will be completed. Crews will also replace a few structures along North Harrison Street, but this work will not impact traffic.

Here's what to expect as we move forward with completing the project:
North Harrison Street south of Sunny Drive will be patched with concrete once the storm sewer improvements are completed at the intersection of North Harrison Street and Sunny Drive.
North Harrison Street will be completely repaved from Sunny Drive north to the 900 block of North Harrison Street.
Crews will begin repaving and patching roads once asphalt plants open up for the season. Historically, this has been mid-April to mid-May.
Crews will replace curbs that were removed or damaged during construction.
Crews will complete driveway and sidewalk repairs around the same time as road patching and paving.
Crews will replace parkway grass after all driveways, sidewalks and curbs are repaired.

As the Stage 2 Harrison Street Project nears completion, the Village would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation during construction.

A special property access notice:

All residents south of Fox 14 Marina should access their properties from Front Street or Algonquin Road, including properties along Park Street, Brook Street, Riverview Drive and Fox 14 Marina.
All residents north of Fox 14 Marina should continue to follow the detour and access their properties from Blackhawk Trail.
Please be advised that while crews are working on storm sewer replacement, residents within the work area may need to follow the Stage 2 detour temporarily during working hours. Residents will have full access during off hours.

*Fox 14 Marina is open during construction and accessible from the north, off Blackhawk Trail.

Terrace Hill Subdivision Construction Update

Terrace Hill Subdivision construction update (from Public Works): Last week, crews finished replacing B-boxes, these are the control valves used to turn water services on and off to homes and structures.Crews also continued with necessary rehabilitation work on the sanitary and storm structures in addition to sewer point repairs.

This week's work will include further sewer construction and relocation of fire hydrants.

Thank you for keeping up with the progress of this project and if you have questions or concerns, please contact Doug Paulus, Project Engineer via email ( or by phone 847-658-2754 ext. 4403.

Committee of the Whole - March 10

The Committee of the Whole meeting agenda for Tuesday, March 10 (7:30 p.m.) includes:amend Ch33 Liquor Control & Liquor Licenses: Algonquin Cemetery cremation garden presentation;side letter agreement with Metropolitan Alliance of Police to modify certain workplace rules & policies; summer concert special events; amend Ch14 Dogs & Other Animals of Municipal Code; amend investment policy; review proposed 2020-2021 general fund budget; review other funds; Intergovernmental agreement with McHenry Co. Conservation District regarding improvements;agreement with Applied Ecological Services for Holder Park detention naturalization project; amend MFT Material & Maintenance funds for 2019; and a resolution allocating MFT funds for 2020 Material & Maintenance expenditures. Interested parties may register to speak prior to the meeting (forms are on table once inside the board room. The meeting will take place in the board room at 2200 Harnish Drive.

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Park & Rec Input Needed - March 4

Wed., March 4, 6:30-7:30 p.m., 2200 Harnish Drive
Please attend & provide input on open space, parks, rec. programs.

The Village is working on a master planning project for the park and rec. offerings over next 10 years. Learn about the project and please give input.

For questions or to RSVP (appreciated but not required), please contact Katie Gock, Recreation Superintendent: phone 847-658-2716 or email…

Liquor Commission Special Meeting/Village Board Meeting - March 3

There will be a Liquor Commission special meeting on Tuesday, March 3 at 7:20 p.m. followed by a Village Board meeting at 7:30 p.m. The Village Board meeting will include:ordinance PUD for ALDI in Oakridge Court (1100 S. Randall Rd.); ordinance PUD amendment for Esplanade Phase II (2301, 2351 & 2401 Millbrook Dr.); approval of expenses; approval of meeting minutes; resolution authorizing Village Manager & Attorney to execute documents of conveyance of property at 1110 Prairie Dr; and executive session (land acquisition). Please refer to links for additional information:…/documents/1582907192_36597.pdf…/documents/1582924726_80396.pdf

Storm Sewer Work - Terrace Hill (from Public Works)

Last week, the contractor completed the storm sewer work on Fairway View Drive and Greens View Drive. Crews also continue to make progress on the storm sewer work on Persimmon Drive after overcoming the challenging conditions that required extensive excavation.

Additionally, crews were also able to begin storm sewer construction on Woods Creek Lane and will continue this work throughout the week, weather permitting.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Doug Paulus, Project Engineer via email ( or by phone 847-658-2754 ext. 4403.

Thank you in advance for your patience and interest in this project.

Sewer Work Update (from Public Works)

Last week, crews completed the installation of the mainline sewer along North Harrison Street as well as the remainder of the sanitary service connections. These components of the project are now complete!

This week, weather permitting, crews will continue installing the storm sewer along North Harrison Street. This work will take place at various locations between Sunny Drive to north of Brook Street. Please allow extra time while traveling during working hours; residents may need to follow the Stage 2 detour depending on the location of the construction zone.

This week, crews will also be decommissioning and removing the existing lift station, which pumped sewage from low elevation to higher elevation, located in the 900 block of North Harrison Street. The lift station is being removed because the new sewer has been installed deeper, which allows the wastewater to be conveyed by gravity instead of having to be pumped. The lift station will not be replaced.

A special property access notice:
All residents south of Fox 14 Marina should access their properties from Front Street or Algonquin Road, including properties along Park Street, Brook Street, Riverview Drive and Fox 14 Marina.
All residents north of Fox 14 Marina should continue to follow the detour and access their properties from Blackhawk Trail.
Please be advised that while crews are working on storm sewer replacement, residents within the work area may need to follow the Stage 2 detour temporarily during working hours. Residents will have full access during off hours.

*Fox 14 Marina is open during construction and accessible from the north, off Blackhawk Trail.

Algonquin Community Workshop on Parks & Rec. Master Plan - March 4

The Village of Algonquin is leading a planning initiative to improve the Park and Recreation offerings provided by the Village of Algonquin.

A community workshop meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 4th, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. The meeting will take place at the Algonquin Village Hall (2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin, IL). Doors will open at 6:15 PM with the meeting beginning promptly at 6:30 PM. All members of the public are invited to attend. RSVP is not required but is appreciated.

The purpose of the meeting is to inform the community about the master planning project and to collect community input on potential improvements to the Village’s park and recreation offerings over the next ten years. Attendees will learn more about the project, have the opportunity to participate in a workshop and provide written comments.

For questions or to RSVP, please contact Katie Gock, Recreation Superintendent: phone (847)658-2700 or email We look forward to hearing from you.

Village Board & COW Meetings - Feb. 18,2020

The Algonquin Village Board will be meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tues., Feb. 18 at 2200 Harnish Dr. The agenda includes: approval of meeting minutes, expenses & special event liquor license for St. Margaret Mary's Shamrock Shave on Sat., March 14. The packet can be found at:…/documents/1581703738_41464.pdf
The Committee of the Whole meeting will begin at 7:45 or immediately following the Board meeting. The agenda includes:final planned unit development for ALDI, 1100 S. Randall Rd.; major amendment to final PUD, lots 3, 4 & 5 of the Esplanade Phase II; review of proposed enterprise fund & special fund budgets (water & sewer, swimming pool, cementary, building services, vehicle maintenance serve funds); operating dashboard; & resolution allocating funds toward MFT maintenance expenses.…/documents/1581704029_10156.pdf
Interested parties may register to speak prior to the meetings.

Water/Sewer Work Update

Water/Sewer Work Update (from Public Works) - Last week, crews installed the mainline sewer up to 925 North Harrison Street. The mainline sewer work is nearing completion. The contractor also completed the replacement of water and sewer services on the 600 block of North Harrison Street and began replacements along the 700 block of North Harrison Street. Road patching continued along the 500 block of North Harrison Street as the underground work was completed.

This week, the contractor will continue replacing water and sewer services along the 700 and 800 blocks of North Harrison Street. Crews hope to also be able to continue working on storm sewer replacements in this same area of North Harrison Street. This work may include construction within the intersection of Park and North Harrison streets. Crews expect to continue with road patching work as well.

As the Stage 2 Harrison Street Project nears completion, the Village would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation during construction.

A special property access notice:

All residents south of Fox 14 Marina should access their properties from Front Street or Algonquin Road, including properties along Park Street, Brook Street, Riverview Drive and Fox 14 Marina.
All residents north of Fox 14 Marina should continue to follow the detour and access their properties from Blackhawk Trail.
Please be advised that while crews are working on water and sanitary service connections and storm sewer replacement on the 700 and 800 blocks of North Harrison Street, residents within the work area may need to follow the Stage 2 detour temporarily during working hours. Residents will have full access during off hours.

Terrace Hill Roadway Rehab Project Update

The Terrace Hill Roadway Rehabilitation Project (from Public Works) - The project is moving ahead and making great progress. This week crews installed:
Sanitary sewers on Persimmon Drive
Storm sewers on Greens View Drive

On Monday, crews will wrap up the sanitary sewer point repair on Persimmon Drive and spend the rest of the week working on the storm sewer. Crews will also continue working on Greens View Drive storm sewers, north of Bunker Hill Drive. Construction crews will notify residents if their driveway will be directly impacted by construction.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Doug Paulus, Project Engineer via email ( or by phone 847-658-2754 ext. 4403.

Thank you in advance for your patience and interest in this project.

Planning & Zoning - Mon., Feb. 10, 2020

The Planning & Zoning Commission agenda for Monday, Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m. includes a request for Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) to construct a 21,750 sq. ft. grocery store (Aldi) on lot 7 in Oak ridge Court (lot in front of Binny's). Request for major amendment to 2008 PUD for conversion from 2 mixed-use commercial to 4 residential apartment buildings on lots 3, 4, 5 of Esplanade Phase II, 2401 Millbrook Drive. (Algonquin Square Apartments). Please refer to agenda for public comment (3x at this meeting depending upon topic) and additional information.The meeting will take place at 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin.…/documents/1581091451_97044.pdf

Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tues., Feb. 11, 2020

The Committee of the Whole agenda for Tuesday, Feb. 11 includes a request for special event & event liquor permit for St. Margaret Mary's Shamrock Shave on March 14 and an ordinance for disconnection of park property from the Village of Algonquin and an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Cary. Interested parties can register to make public comments prior to the meeting (forms are on table near board room entrance). Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. Please refer to link for additional information.…/documents/1581091555_48785.pdf

Terrace Hill Roadway Project (from Public Works)

The Terrace Hill Roadway Rehabilitation Project has officially begun. Construction began with:
Pavement saw cuts on various streets for underground utility placement
Woods Creek sanitary sewer repairs
Greens View Drive storm sewer installation

This week, crews will continue working on the storm sewer installation on Greens View Drive. Persimmon Drive residents will also notice crews beginning work on the storm sewer and sanitary sewers on that street. Due to this work Persimmon and Greens View drives will be limited to local traffic only during construction working hours.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Doug Paulus, Project Engineer via email ( or by phone 847-658-2754 ext. 4403.
Thank you in advance for your patience and interest in this project.

Sewer Construction Update (from Public Works)

Last week, crews made great progress and completed mainline sewer installation up to the north side of Fox 14 Marina. The contractor will continue progressing north from the marina next week and we anticipate that the sewer will be completed in the next few weeks.

Once the mainline sewer is complete, crews will resume work completing the remaining service connections, storm sewer improvements and water service replacements.

A special property access notice:

All residents south of Fox 14 Marina should access their properties from Front Street or Algonquin Road, including properties along Park Street, Brook Street, Riverview Drive and Fox 14 Marina.
All residents north of Fox 14 Marina should continue to follow the detour and access their properties from Blackhawk Trail.